The Vth European Congress for Small and Medium Enterprises.

The Vth European Congress for Small and Medium Enterprises took place on 12-14 October 2015 in Katowice. 6000 registered participants including representatives from 35 countries and 44 exhibitors from Biznes Expo took part in 60 congress events. The European Business Club was represented by Mr Janusz Cieślak who took part in the panel discussions presenting the interests of the entrepreneurs – members of our Association.

How to build a constantly growing and effective Polish economy? How to build good relations and what obstacles and challenges are there before SME entrepreneurs? Answers to the above questions and many more were sought by experts from the areas of science, politics, economy and international delegations.
As prof. Jerzy Buzek, a member of the European Parliament and President of the Honorary Committee of the V European Congress for Small and Medium Enterprises, emphasized it is the small and medium entrepreneurs that are the core and the blood stream of the Polish economy. To support this one can look at the data of the state of the SME sector, which were present by Bożena Lublińska-Kasprzak the President of PARP. The SMEs constitute 99% of companies in Poland i.e. 70% of work places and 48% of GDP. The research shows that this sector has a very significant influence on the Polish economy.

“This is a unique edition for a few reasons. First of all this year is the 25th Anniversary of the Regional Chamber of Commerce. Second of all the Congress is being held at the International Congress Centre in Katowice and has gathered a record number of participants – 6000 registered persons.” – summarized by Tadeusz Donocik, President of RIG in Katowice.
The President of the European Business Club participated in the following discussions:
• The attractiveness of the Indian market for Polish enterprises. An example of companies using environmentally friendly technologies.
• Investments in unique solutions. Public funds for innovations 2014-2020.
• Economic disputes-a method for success.
• USA-a new destination for SMEs- the state of TTIP negotiations.
• Money follows ideas-a myth or reality? SME. vs. capital market.
• Meetings with leaders.
• European regions-competition or co-operation.
• One step towards innovation…, so how to improve competitiveness of companies from SMEs.
• The future of my family company-is it only through succession? True stories.
• A partnership co-operation of local governments with SMEs as a way to economic growth.

A result of the carried out debates, meetings, exchange of points of view and experience will be the publication of the conclusions and remarks connected with problems and further possibilities of development of the SMEs sector in the form of recommendations.


On the 12th September 2015 during the Gala Awards held at the Museum of the King Jan III Sobieski in Wilanow, the European Business Club Poland awarded people and companies that have in a significant manner contributed to the development of Polish entrepreneurship, science, local governance, media, culture and sport as well as those who have gained European and worldwide success. The awards were granted by the Chapter of Awards of the European Business Club Poland composed of eminent representatives of business, science and sport under the leadership of Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Mączyńska – The President of the Polish Economic Society and a member of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Economic Science at the National Science Academy (Rada Naukowa Instytutu Nauk Ekonomicznych PAN).

The ceremony has been lead by the editor Robert Bernatowicz who specializes in the field of economy.

Among the honorary guests were: Mrs. Grażyna Henclewska – Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Economy and Professor Zdzisław Krasnodębski – Member of the European Parliament.
The ceremony was opened by Mr. Janusz Cieślak – The President of the European Business Club Poland who at the very beginning emphasized that the time and place of the Gala were not accidental. In the residence where the ceremony had been held on the 12th September 1683 King Jan III Sobieski had gained victory in one of the most important battles in the history of Europe. The victory is called the Vienesse Victory, and the main awarded given during the Gala is called VICTORIA EUROPAE (EUROPEAN VICTORY).
So today we are celebrating two victories – the Viennese and European. He also indicated that the awards personify values and ideals which the European Business Club Poland upholds – “By giving these awards we would like to show to the majority of the society the true authority whose achievements and attitude are worth following.”
Afterwards Prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska – The President of the Chapter of Awards had spoken. She indicated the criteria which were taken into consideration by the Chapter when making decisions about who should be awarded. She emphasized the interdisciplinary feature of the awards and the meaning of co-operation of various communities for the economic development of the country’s economy.
The Minister – Mrs. Grażyna Henclewska read out the letter from Mr. Janusz Piechociński – the Vice Prime Minister and the Minister of Economy congratulating the people awarded, the participants and organizers of the ceremony. The Prime Minister emphasized in his letter that the awarded people and entities are building a contemporary vision of the market as well as a positive image of the Polish economy on the local and international arena. He showed that the awarded companies are well organized, effectively managed and liable for partners in business.
A letter from Mr. Władysław Kosiniak – Kamysz – the Minister of Labour and Social Policy has also been read out. In which inter alia he thanked the European Business Club Poland for propagating gaining knowledge and favouring business contacts and exchanging views with other entrepreneurs and communities.
With great pleasure we would like to introduce the winners of this year’s 1st edition of Awards of the European Business Club Poland.

The main award „VICTORIA EUROPAE” (European Victory) was presented to Prof. Jerzy Buzek “in honour of many years of his activity in order to strengthen Poland’s position in the European Union as well as building a joined, fair and competitive Europe”.
A great laudation for the Winner has been given by the Prime Minister Mr. Janusz Steinhoff. Mr. Jerzy Buzek in his speech thanked for the award and emphasized the meaning of co-operation of Polish entrepreneurs with their European partners for the development of our country’s economy and strengthening Poland’s position in the world.

Two people have been presented the award „ENTREPRENEUR MAGNUS” (OUTSTANDING ENTERPRENEUR).

President of the Company Mr. Herbert Wirth “for professionalism, creativity, courageous and dynamic management of the worldwide Polish strategic company.”

President of the Company Mr. Wojciech Kuśpik “ for creating innovative, specialized and integrated solutions in the area of business communication that have a fundamental impact on the economic development in Poland.”


Mrs. Jolanta Batycka – Wąsik (the Voit) “for professionalism and courageous vision of the development of the Lesznowola Commune as a contemporary and friendly place for its inhabitants in the XXI century”.

Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Rydzewska „for outstanding scientific achievements and contribution towards the development of Polish gastroenterology.”

The editor Mr. Przemysław Talkowski „for the courage and accuracy of information as well as for the continued work for the transparency of the economic life, defense of the good name of Polish entrepreneurs and initiating changes in Polish law.

Mr. Andrzej Strejlau „for outstanding achievements in his work as a coach as well as his years of activity for the development of Polish football.”

The Museum of Warsaw Uprising “for great input to disseminate the heroic actions of the citizens of Warsaw during the Warsaw Uprising as well as shaping patriotic attitudes of the young Polish generation.”

Śląsk Song and Dance Ensemble (Zespół Pieśni i Tańca „Śląsk” im. Stanisława Hadyny) „for outstanding and years of achievements in promoting Polish regional culture in the country itself and abroad.”

The award „SIGNUM TEMPORIS” (THE SIGN OF TIME ) had been presented to:

Prof. dr hab. inż. Zdzisław Nowakowski „for innovative activities and outstanding achievements in the development of third level education.”

The President Mr. Andrzej Siezieniewski ”for years of achievements in his work as a publicist and journalist as well as for fulfilling the social mission of the Polish Radio”.

The award „PRO FUTURO” (FOR THE FUTURE) has been presented to:

The company: Pinus J&M Smolarczyk “for the expansion of a Polish brand producing wooden windows, doors and winter gardens as well as for outstanding achievements in the development of own construction and technological solutions”.

Company Marchewka® „for creating new standards in interior architecture as well as winning world markets in the area of high quality wooden stairs, floors and interiors produced in Poland”.

The winners in their speeches have inter alia thanked for the awards and acknowledgement of their up to now achievements as well as they have expressed the will to continue to pursue activities in the direction they have set out.

There was splendor added to the ceremony by the recital of a world class tenor – Bogusław Morka. The artist got ahold of the hearts of the public both because of his beautiful voice as well as direct contact and proposed common singing. The artistic impressions form the concert will be remembered for a long time by participants of the Gala.

Afterwards the guests went to the Palace’s patio where in the rose garden a cocktail party has been prepared by the Hotel – Restaurant „Czarny Kot – My Warsaw Residence”, of which Mrs. Elżbieta Studzińska is the owner and also a member of the European Business Club Poland.
The scent of the roses and music played by The Warsaw Dixielanders as well as the specialties of Polish cuisine gave a nice touch to the end of the ceremony. People congratulated each other and talked until late evening.

We are pleased to inform that our sponsors were: Fundacja KGHM Polska Miedź (The KGHM Poland Copper Foundation) and BIG Info Monitor.
An honorary sponsorship over the Gala was held by: The Ministry of Economy, Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza (National Chamber of Commerce), Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości (Polish Agency for Enterprise Development) and Polska Agencja Informacji i Inwestycji Zagranicznych (Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency). Media sponsorship was held by: Polskie Radio (Polish Radio), Polsat News, Miesięcznik Gospodarczy Nowy Przemysł (Monthly Economic Magazine New Industry), portal, Magazyn Eurogospodarka (magazine The European Economy) as well as a political and business magazine – Świat Elit (The Word of the Elites).

The Gala was secured by the employees of a security company „WALKRYS SECURITY”, a member of the European Business Club Poland.

We would like to congratulate all winners. We would also like to thank the members of the Chapter of Awards for their fruitful work. We would like to thank our guests for coming and participating together with the Management Board and members of the European Business Club Poland in this important event for the entrepreneurs.

See you at the next Ceremony of Awards of the European Business Club Poland in 2016!

Żaneta Berus, Member of the EBC Poland Awards Jury, awarded „Personality of the Year 2014”!

January 30, during a glamorous gala in Transcolor studio near Warsaw, for the seventh time the prestigious awards „The Personality of the Year” were given. Prizes were awarded in the competition organized by the MICE Poland magazine. This year’s award in the category „Manager of a venue” received Żaneta Berus, CEO of EXPO XXI Warszawa and a Memebr of the EBC Poland Awards Jury.

Żaneta Berus
Żaneta Berus

„Personality of the Year” award is a great honor for me and at the same time the culmination of all the efforts, initiatives and projects to support the development of the MICE industry, carried out for nearly twenty years of my work. I have to say it was a time full of challenges, but also satisfaction of the creation of new standards and best practices for the entire meetings industry. On one hand, in my every day work with professional organizations such as the Association of the Event Industry and Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry, I strive to integrate the MICE industry and to promote Poland, as an interesting tourist and business destination. On the other hand the EXPO XXI Warszawa, with which I am associated for 14 years, has increased its surface and modernized the offer, built a reliable team of specialists and partnered with the organizers of big international events, thus promoted to the rank of the most well-known facility in Warsaw. Now is the time for the activation of cooperation between facilities like EXPO XXI Warszawa, event organizers, and local authorities. I believe that the Polish meetings industry is the best ambassador of our country abroad and, therefore, I set such a goal for myself for the next few months. I take this prize as a good augury to continue a hard work. –commented Żaneta Berus.

The idea behind „Personality of the Year” contest is to honor the people who have shown a special commitment to the development of the MICE industry in Poland in the past year. Nominees are distinguished by their professionalism in action, creativity, business efficiency, application of the principles of professional ethics, high quality services, contribution to the integration and development of the industry – also through their membership in organizations and associations – as well as the high competences, confirmed by certificates and awards. The winners receive a statuette and the title of „Personality of the Year” in four categories: Principal, Organizer, Manager of a venue and Subcontractor. „Personality of the Year” contest is the only project in Poland in which candidates for the award are nominated directly through the participants of the industry. Each company, agency, organization and association may, through a special form, nominate three persons for the prize. After counting the votes, 10 people who received the highest score in each category, goes to the second stage. The selection of the final winners is made by the Jury, whose members are selected from the laureates of the previous editions of the contest, representatives of associations and professional organizations, as well as external experts appointed by the organizer.

Chinese Ambassador visits the European Business Club Poland.

On 19 January, at the invitation of Mr. Janusz Cieslak, the President of the EBC Poland, our Association hosted Mr. Xu Jian, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Poland. China  appears for Polish entrepreneurs as an economy with great opportunities hence the interest of this market is enormous. Full conference room of Czarny Kot – My Warsaw Residence confirmed this thesis. Ambassador Xu Jian was accompanied by Liu Lijuan, Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy together with other members of the Embassy’s staff, as well as a delegation of the representatives of Chinese companies, among others, Mr. Li Xiaobo, CEO of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe), and Mr. Wang Weijing,, PR Director in Huawei.

In his welcome speech President Janusz Cieslak recalled that the first joint venture in China was established in 1951 and it has been Polish-Chinese company Chipolbrok which at a meeting represented its CEO Mr. Liu Shanghai. On the Polish side the meeting was attended by among others: Mr. Roman Jagieliński former Deputy Prime Minister and currently the President of the Fruit Group ROJA, Mrs. Anna Kalata, former Minister of Labor and now the owner of the KALATA TV, Mrs. Barbara Misterska-Dragan, former Deputy Minister of Treasury and now the President of Misters Audytor Adviser and the only in Poland Honorary Citizen of Beijing Mr. Zdzislaw Góralczyk, former Ambassador to China, currently the President of Polish-Chinese Friendship Association.

DSC_0019In his speech, Ambassador Xu Jian presented the current state of China’s economy and prospects for the development of trade relations between our countries, indicating the reasons which prevent its rapid growth. When the time for questions and comments from the audience came, a real economic dialogue between Poland and China had started. Nearly 1.5 hour conversation, not only gave the participants a unique experience, but also built a belief that there is a huge potential for growth in trade. Prospective contractors must, however, get to know each other and build common ground for agreement. That is one of the reasons why European Business Club Poland plans to organize a trade mission to China in the second half of this year. This mission will be the consequence of a visit to China, held from 30 November – 6 December 2014, by the President of EBC Poland Janusz Cieslak and a member of the Association Mrs. Barbara Misterska – Dragan. The aim of the visit was to explore the possibility of increasing the export of Polish goods to China and establishing contacts with interested companies. Thanks to previously acquired contacts, members of this year’s mission will be well prepared for the meetings with definite Chinese companies interested in trading with Polish exporters.

The last point of the meeting was the exchange of business cards and individual conversations which lasted late into the evening.

Christmas and New Year celebrations at the European Business Club Poland.

spotkanie świateczne 3

Upcoming Christmas and New Year represented a perfect opportunity for a meeting of the members of the European Business Club Poland in a hospitable Hotel & Restaurant Czarny Kot – My Warsaw Residence. The meeting, held on December 9, ran in a pleasant and festive atmosphere and was an opportunity to summarize past year and to share our successes.

.spotkanie świateczne(2)

President Janusz Cieślak in his speech, thanked all guests for a very good cooperation in the past year and wished them and their families all the best for Christmas and the upcoming New Year.

Afterwards the time came for individual wishes and breaking of the Christmas wafer, a typical Polish tradition.

Everything was carefully over watched, as usual by Mrs. Elżbieta Studzińska, which on this occasion has proposed a great menu based on traditional Polish dishes and homemade Christmas pastries.

In the elegant and family atmosphere Members of the European Business Club Poland had the opportunity to enjoy the moments with their friends and colleagues. The sound of Polish carols, the glow of candles and a great interior design introduced everyone to a festive Christmas mood.

Spotkanie świąteczne 1spotkanie świąteczne 4

European Business Club Poland visits China.

At the invitation of the Chinese representatives, delegation of the European Business Club Poland: President Janusz Cieslak and member Barbara Misterska – Dragan visited Beijing and Hunan Province from November 30th  to December 6th 2014. Representatives of our club were members of the delegation of the Polish House Association, which cooperates with China for over 20 years.

Rozmowy z partnerami chińskimi.
Talks with chinise partners.

The delegation met in Beijing with the representatives of the management of the Foreign Economic Cooperation Center, the Chinese Association for International Cooperation and the Ministry of Agriculture. The subject of the talks included economic cooperation with particular emphasis on the agricultural sector. The delegation was also hosted by the Hunan Province which is one of the most developed regions in China (area of 211.8 thousand km2 includes 13 cities, 1 autonomous region and 122 districts). Held talks regarded cooperation possibilities between province inhabited by 71 million people and entrepreneurs from our country. Representatives of the provincial government invited entrepreneurs from our Association for a trade visit in 2015. The invitation was accepted with a great pleasure by Janusz Cieslak, President of the European Business Club Poland.

Management Board of the European Business Club Poland kindly asks its members to submit their interest in trade mission to China no later than January 30, 2015.

European Business Club Poland visits China.

European Business Club Poland visits China.2

European Business Club Poland visits China.1

President Janusz Cieślak represented European Business Club Poland at the “Economic security of business transactions” conference.

On October 22-23, 2014 in Warsaw was held cyclic conference organized by the Economic Institute of the Social Academy of Sciences titled “Economic security of business transactions”, which involved a total of more than 140 participants from more than 60 research centers, business associations, representatives of the government and parliament. It is the only conference in Poland, during which discussed are the most current issues of broadly defined economic security of households, businesses, state and global spheres within the interdisciplinary relationship of economics, law and management. Mr. Janusz Cieslak, President of the European Business Club Poland was one of the members in a panel on “economic turnover in Poland – opportunities and threats”.

 IMG_7897During this year’s meeting, particular emphasis was placed on the determination of legal and organizational framework for the safety of the economy from an economic point of view and on identifying opportunities and threats to the economy, by the tax system. Throughout the conference there was a very lively and substantive discussion that allowed to illustrate various positions, forcing for reflection and greater cooperation of all parties of business transactions – especially business, justice, law enforcement, tax authorities and experts.

President Janusz Cieślak had been invited to participate in next conference which will be held in October 2015.


Bulgarian Economic Mission visits European Business Club Poland.

At the invitation of the Board of the European Business Club Poland on 14 – 16 October Bulgarian Economic Mission visited Warsaw. It was organized in collaboration with the Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Polish Embassy in Bulgaria and Bulgarian – Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Sofia.

Janusz Cieślak, President of the European Business Club Poland and Michał Bednarek, President of the Bulgarian-Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Janusz Cieślak,President of the European Business Club Poland and Michał Bednarek, President of the Bulgarian-Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Mission was chaired by Mr. Michael Bednarek, President and Mrs. Eliza Larska Vice President of the Bulgarian – Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as the Bulgarian entrepreneur – Mr. Emil Makarov. The mission consisted of Bulgarian entrepreneurs interested in cooperation in the field of tourism, shipping, construction, food, wine, liquor, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, and medical and rehabilitation equipment. At the hospitable hotel – restaurant “Black Cat – My Warsaw Residence” were held long talks with Polish entrepreneurs interested in cooperation at the Bulgarian market. Guests also visited the Royal Baths Park and the Old Town.
President Michael Bednarek sent an official invitation to the European Business Club Poland for organizing Polish trade mission to Sofia next year. The invitation was accepted with a great pleasure.

European Business Club Poland on Facebook.

zdjęcia na facabooka duże
The Management Board of the European Business Club Poland with a huge pleasure announces that our organization has its profile on Facebook. We cordially invite you to visit our fanpage on the social networking site and become familiar with our activities.
Our profile is also a great place to show what’s going on in companies, members and friends of the Club. We invite you to send us information about the ongoing important events, initiatives and projects, which it is worth to share with others.
We also want to maintain as closely contact as possible. Therefore, all who have an account on the social networking site, please “like us” at and invite your friends and acquaintances to also do so.
See you there!

The European Business Club Poland hosted British Ambassador.

At the invitation of the President Janusz Cieslak on October 6, 2014 European Business Club Poland hosted visit of the British Ambassador to Poland, HE Robin Barnett. During his welcome speech President Janusz Cieslak pointed out, inter alia, that it is Ambassador Barnett’s third time full diplomatic mission in Poland and is one of the greatest friends of our country.

HE Ambasador Robin Barnett during the meeting
HE Ambasador Robin Barnett during the meeting

In his speech Ambassador Robin Barnett stated that Poland is by far the most important trading partner for the UK in Central Europe. Trade is very lively and is growing more and more rapidly. Polish accession to the European Union resulted in a significant increase in trade between the two countries. Currently, the UK market is, after Germany, Polish second largest export market. So far, export to the UK was conducted in the majority by large corporations. Recently we can observe a change in this trend. More and more Polish companies operating at UK’s market are small and medium size companies which also begin to export their goods and services. Ambassador Robin Barnett pointed out two factors that undoubtedly contribute to the expansion of Polish products and services to the UK market. From May 1, 2004, more than half a million Poles have permanently emigrated to the UK and consequently the Polish language became the second, after English, the most used in the UK. Second factor is that the Polish businesses opened up to new opportunities and they offer more competitive products and services, which is appreciated in the global markets.
The Ambassador stressed that the United Kingdom is one of the most attractive markets for investors in the world. It is also appreciated by our entrepreneurs. Currently the UK there is operating sixty thousands of Polish companies.
The overriding objective of the Embassy is supporting key British companies interested in involvement in strategic projects in Poland. Embassies staff is focused on six sectors in which British companies have a lot to offer. These are: energy, transport infrastructure and water, the defense sector, the service sector, particularly financial, health care, and advanced engineering technologies.

After Ambassadors speech there was held interesting discussion, during which Ambassador answered numerous questions.

Ambassador Robin Barnett promised to meet with members of the EBC Poland also next year.

Adam Świrski, Executive Vice President of the National Economy Bank, was a guest of our Club.

On June 16th, Mr. Adam Świrski, Executive Vice President of the National Economy Bank, was a guest of our Club.
President Świrski was accompanied by Dr. Marek Szczepański, Managing Director of the European Funds and Mr. Arkadiusz Zabłoński, Director of the Government Exports Support Program. This meetings theme, which was traditionally held at the hospitable hotel – restaurant “Black Cat – My Warsaw Residence”, was Banking Activities in the domestic market, including the assistance for Polish managers with expansion into international markets.

Spotkanie w Europejskim Klubie Biznesu Polska
Spotkanie w Europejskim Klubie Biznesu Polska

During the welcome speech, Janusz Cieślak, President of the European Business Club Poland, presented the main guest and his accompanying persons, reminiscing the BGK’s major accomplishments during 90 years of activities. He emphasized, that the bank is the only Polish state owned bank and that it owns its registered office in Warsaw. The BGK undertakes a lot of initiatives to support the economic development of our country. This May for example, the bank approved a loan for the Polish company “Nano Carbon”, which implements a unique Polish technology of producing graphene, developed at the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (ITME). Another example, is the financing of the company “Zakłady Magnetyzowe Ropczyce” under the Polish Investments Programme. In his speech, President Adam Świrski, presented interesting facts on the range of services provided by the bank, aimed at businesses as well as individual clients and self-governances. The bank’s operations also include the economic promotion and assistance of Polish exports and businesses operating in foreign markets. The President’s speech was accompanied by a multimedia presentation shown by directors Dr. Marek Szczepański and Arkadiusz Zabłoński. After the President’s very interesting and substantive speech and multimedia presentation, a discussion covering various aspects of the issues presented, was commenced. At the end, individual conversations with our guests and the meeting’s participants were held.

EBC Poland President awarded the Medal “For merits for Lesznowola Municipality”.

On May 23, 2014 at the Prince Józef Poniatowski Hotel in Łazy was held ceremony on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of System Transformation in Poland. Organizator of this event was the Municipality of Lesznowola.

Janusz Cieślak, Prezes EKB Polska

Janusz Piechociński, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy was a guest of honor at the ceremony. During the ceremony the Medal “For merits for Lesznowola Municipality” entrepreneurs which helped in the dynamic development of the municipality were honored. Among the invited guests was Mr. Janusz Cieślak, President of the European Business Club Poland, who was also honored with the Medal “For merits for Lesznowola Municipality”.

VI European Economic Congress.

On May 7-9, 2014. in Katowice was held VI European Economic Congress. It has been attended by over 6000 participants from all over the world. The guests of the Congress were Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Deputy Prime Minister Elżbieta Bieńkowska – Minister of Infrastructure and Development and Janusz Piechociński – Minister of Economy as well as other Polish ministers and ministers of other European countries.

Sesja plenarna
Plenary session

Congress was also attended by the main negotiators of the agreement between the European Union and the United States. The signing of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership will mean the creation of the largest free trade area in the world. It will create enormous opportunities for business cooperation on both sides of the Atlantic. Interesting discussion was focused on the most important challenges facing the European continent, in particular the competitiveness of European goods and the creation of a strong European market, unfettered by excessive regulations.
President of the European Business Club Poland Janusz Cieslak participated in the solemn opening and plenary session devoted to the European Global Economic Co-operation and panel sessions devoted to economic cooperation: European Union – United States, European Union – China, as well as on supporting the development of Polish entrepreneurs in the country and abroad, financing investments and development of banking sector in the European Union. He also participated in many other events including the ceremony held by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development awarding winners or the competitions: “Innovative Project”, “Innovative Business Environment Institution” and “Innovative Entrepreneur”. He have also met, among others, with the Ambassadors of the United Kingdom and France, whom he invited for a meeting with members of our Association. Mr. Cieslak have also established interesting contacts, which should lead to the start of business co-operation of the European Business Club Poland with new domestic and foreign partners. President Janusz Cieslak was invited by the organizers to participate in the next VII European Economic Congress, which will take place in Katowice in 2015.
Kongres gospodarczy zdjęcie

European Business Club Poland as the Honorary Patron of the Future IT Fair Expo.

On June 10-11, 2014. at the National Stadium in Warsaw will be held IT Fair Future Expo. It is the only B2B project in Poland for the IT industry. Offers, including innovative technologies, both in the area of software and hardware solutions, will be presented by more than 100 companies from Poland and Europe. European Business Club Poland is pleased to annouce honorary patronage of the project. Detailed information about the event organizers below. Participation in the project is free of charge. We invite you to visit the website of the fair and participate.


Mrs. Katarzyna Kacperczyk, undersecretary of state in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in European Business Club Poland.

On April 15, 2014 Mrs. Katarzyna Kacperczyk, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs met with the members of our Club. The meeting, which was traditionally held in the hospitable hotel – restaurant “Black Cat – My Warsaw Residence”, was dedicated to support for Polish entrepreneurs in international markets.

Spotkanie z Minister K.Kacperczyk

The Minister, who is responsible in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among others, for matters of economic diplomacy, presented an interesting and comprehensive information on business promotion and support for entrepreneurs in foreign markets in 2013 – 2014. Speech included a discussion of the activities and promotional programs, their financing and strategy selection of prospective markets. Guest stressed that measures of promoting economic cooperation are implemented by both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economy. Support is provided also by other government institutions, among others, Ministry of Sport and Tourism, Ministry of Treasury, Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Finance. Partners are entities engaged in the broadly defined economic affairs.

Our guest suggested the inclusion of the European Business Club Poland in the implementation of measures adopted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the promotion of economic and supporting entrepreneurs in foreign markets, which was adopted by the gathering with a great satisfaction. The Minister accepted the invitation to participate in the next meeting, scheduled for the end of this year.