Norway getting closer to Poland.

On March 13, European Business Club Poland hosted a meeting with Mr. Kjell Arne Nielsen, Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Poland.  Mr. Counsellor met with Polish entrepreneurs as a substitute for Ambassador Karsten Klepsvika who was forced to cancel his visit to our Club because of important emergency duties. The meeting was traditionally held in the hospitable Hotel – Restaurant “Black Cat – My Warsaw Residence” and gathered a large number of participants.

In his welcome speech President Janusz Cieslak reminded that Poland is the biggest beneficiary among the 15 countries of the European Union, which has been granted the Norwegian funds.

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In 2006 – 2014 1.136 mln. euro has been allocated in our country. It was used for the economic, cultural and scientific development. The main idea of the allocation of funds by the Norwegian government is to reduce the economic disparities between the donor State and the Beneficiary State.
Mr. Kjell Arne Nielsen made an assessment of our political and economic cooperation. He stressed that trade is growing very rapidly, but there is still a possibility of its further growth. We are currently in 11th place among Norway’s trading partners. Export to Poland represents 1.6% of total Norwegian export and import from Poland represents 2.4% of total Norwegian import. Our country is one of the largest markets for Norwegian fishes. Most of the Norwegian fishes are processed in Poland and exported by Polish companies to other European countries. Defense industries co-operation between both countries is also going very well. Our companies – Lotos and PGNiG – have their own significant shares in investments at the Norwegian North Sea.

Among those present at the meeting was Mr. Marek Chojnacki, Pole running in Stavanger a medium-sized Polish construction company – NORPOLSA. He has especially arrived from Norway for this meeting. In Poland, there are registered more than 300 companies with Norwegian capital. They are in the vast majority small and medium-sized companies. There is more than 100 thousands of Poles living in Norway. In Poland, however, studies nearly 1400 young Norwegians, mainly in the fields of medicine.

After the onset, our guest complied interesting discussion lasting more than two hours. There were also established contacts, which should lead to increase in trade cooperation.

The IPO of the European Business Club Poland members company – MEGA SONIC.

DSC_5664 (2)MegaSonicThe Management Board of the European Business Club Poland is pleased to announce that on March 12, 2014, MEGA SONIC SA, member of the European Business Club Poland joined Warsaw Stock Exchange – NewConnect stock market. This is the sixth year’s debut, and 444 company, which is already included in NewConnect market.
The company has twenty years of experience in the field of automatic identification and data security systems and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The systems supplied by the company had already benefited sector units of state administration, banking and finance, military and special services. The development strategy adopted by the company strives to strengthen the leadership, while increasing the scale of operations. It also envisions a larger market share of specialized implementations of Automatic Identification Data by expanding the customer base. We invite you to visit the website of the Mega Sonic company and establish cooperation.
Board and Members of the European Business Club Poland would like to congratulate President of the company Mr. Andrew Gluza and wish him further development of the company and achieving the goals.

Farewell weekend with the Ambassador of Croatia.

On July 19-20, 2013 at the invitation of Janusz Cieślak, the President of the European Business Club – Poland Ambassador Extraordinary and  plenipotentiary of the Republic of Croatia in Poland – Mr. Ivan Del Vecchio, who was ending his diplomatic mission in Poland,  met with members of the Club. The two-day talks were held in a Gueshouse under Roses owned by members of our Association – Barbara and Ryszard Różański. The meeting was attended by the Mayor of Jedlnia – Mr. Piotr Leśnowolski, as well as the representatives of local businesses.

This was not the first meeting of the European Business Club members with His Excellency Ivan del Vecchio. We had the pleasure to host the Ambassador on June 26, 2012, at a meeting on Polish – Croatian cooperation. This time the reason was the completion of his diplomatic mission and to discuss the implementation of the program. President Janusz Cieślak congratulated the Ambassador for joining European Union by the Republic of Croatia, and thanked for their constructive and friendly cooperation of His Excellency with our Club.

The personal commitment of Ambassador resulted in establishing business contacts with specific Croatian entrepreneurs, as well as the appointment of the Warsaw Branch of Polish – Croatian Society.

The President pointed out that Mr. Ivan Del Vecchio was also the President of the Club of Polish-speaking Ambassadors accredited in our country, the number of which has already exceeded 20 people. An expression of thanks to His Excellency for the fruitful cooperation with our Association was documented with the diploma of the European Business Club Poland handed the guest by the President Janusz Cieślak in the company of co-owner of Hotel under Roses – Mrs. Barbara Rożanska and Chairman of the Warsaw Branch of Polish – Croatian Society Mrs. Beata Przybyszewska – Kujawa.

Ivan-Del-VechioAs an acknowledgement, the Association awarded Ambassador a Diploma. Ivan Del Vecchio highly assessed the cooperation with our organization and reminded the cooperation between our two countries during his diplomatic mission in Poland.

He emphasized that he wants to continue its co-operation with our Association and offered to organize Polish entrepreneurs trade mission to Croatia under his auspices.
In addition to representatives of affiliated companies in our Society, the mission would also be attended by members of the Polish – Croatian Society.

His offer was greeted with great interest. Details of the organization’s mission was, inter alia, the subject of an interesting and comprehensive discussion focused mainly on the directions and methods of development of mutual contacts and economic cooperation. The participants wished the Ambassador every success in a new job and received an assurance that during his next visit to Poland, Mr. Ivan del Vecchio will not forget to meet with members of our club. Hotel under Roses is located in the picturesque Jedlnia resort town situated in the Kozienicki Forest. Beautiful scenery and a unique microclimate were wonderful setting for a meeting and substantive conversation. Excellent food made the elapsed time spent in a pleasant atmosphere and remained for a long time in the memory of the participants.



of European Business Club Poland
for His Excellency Ivan del Vecchio

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Croatia in the Republic of Poland as an expression of heartfelt thanks for the successful cooperation with our association in the performance of a diplomatic mission.
Comprehensive activity of His Excellency resulted a significant contribution to the development of cooperation businessmen associated with our club.
Comprehensive activity of His Excellency resulted a significant contribution to the development of business cooperation in our club affiliated with the Croatian entrepreneurs and bring mutual economic effects of social and cultural activities as well as many practical solutions including the establishment of of the Warsaw Branch of Polish – Croatian Society.
We wish that your work in a new position and was a source of inspiration to continue our cooperation.

Janusz Cieślak

Warsaw 20.07.2013

Ukraine – interesting and promising market at hand’s reach

_DSC0721Within the series of meetings with accredited ambassadors in the Republic of Poland members of the European Business Club Poland had a meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Ukraine – professor Markiyan Malski and the Minister Councellor dr (PhD) Taras Tokarski in the welcoming Hotel-Restaurant ,,Czarny Kot’’- My Warsaw Residence, upon the invitation of the President Janusz Cieslak.

The Ukrainian guests had given information on the current economic situation in their country and actual status and perspectives of economic co-operation with Poland.

In February  2013 the Ukrainian government had approved a programme concerning the activisation of the economy for the years 2013-2014. Means for the realization of this plan are to derive from the state budget as well as from international financial organizations, from credits guaranteed by the state, from private investments and companies’ own means (value of the programme-380 billion UAH/48 billion USD)._DSC0658 The programme includes inter alia: rise of Ukraine’s GDP in 2013 up to 2,5-3,4 % and in 2014-3,4% as well as an increase in the production of machinery industry by 10% and agricultural production by 25%.

Priorities of the programme: increasing the competitiveness of the economy, improving investment conditions, supporting local producers introducing the policy of import substitution, development of hi-tech industry (rocket-space, aviation), conducting structural reforms in state companies as well as in the infrastructure and communication and the fuel and energy sector. Great priority is to be given to the development of potential export.


Poland is on the the fourth place among the importers of foods and services from Ukraine and on the fifth place among exporters to this country. The balance of mutual turnover is positive for Poland. The main areas of interest for investors are:

  • Energy (investment in obtaining energy sources especially coal and natural gas), renewable sources of energy, energy-saving,
  • Investment balance in the production and distribution of electrical energy
  • Agricultural and food industry ( investment in animal and plant farming as well as agricultural and food processing)
  • Building industry (investment in housing construction, infrastructure investment).

In relations with Ukraine Polish entrepreneurs talk about the barriers that exist of systematic nature which make economic co-operation harder. The main barriers are:

  • not in time payment of VAT to exporters
  • the lack of transparency and immense changes in the Ukrainian law provisions.

A great concern is also the lack of special economic zones.

_DSC0725Polish entrepreneurs count on a fast and significant change in Polish-Ukrainian economic relations which will bring opportunities and favourable conditions for their development. This will be possible thanks to consistent support by Poland Ukraine’s European aspirations and possibility of signing the EU-Ukraine association agreement in the current year. Part of this support is the already being carried out by Poland concept of Eastern Partnership.

The currently uneasy Ukrainian market for Polish business is too important and perspective not to benefit from the arising opportunities of co-operation. It is worthwhile to judge them bilaterally as benefits arising concern two very close countries connected by history.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus at the meeting in the European Business Club Poland

The next guest of the European Business Club invited by the President Janusz Cieślak was the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus  – His Excellency Profesor Viktar Gaisenak. The meeting took place in the welcoming hotel-restaurant „Czarny Kot – My Warsaw Residence”.

Our guest was accompanied by: Trade Councellor of the Embassy Mr Michaił Trotsinski and Secretary of the Embassy Mr Jurij Kułabuhow

The topic of the meeting was economic co-operation between our country and Belarus as well as possibilities of conducting business and investing in that country.

The presentation was given by The Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus who shed more light on his country to the participants of the meeting. In 2012 the economy in Belarus noted a 5,7% increase in industry production in comparison to 2011, agricultural production by 6.1% and increase in export by 14%. Among the most important countries – investors in Belarus Poland is on the 11th place. In 2012 Polish investments were at the level of 128 million USD/ in 2011 – 84,5 million USD. In Belarus there are currently 550 companies with Polish capital.

During a lively discussion and due to the asked questions Mr Ambassador indicated why it is worthwhile to conduct economic activity in Belarus. First of all due to the closeness and availability of transport, stability and low level of crime and corruption, state guarantees and reliefs, cheap and qualified labour force as well as developed and well maintained infrastructure.

A great benefit for Belarus is the concluded Customs Union with Russia and Kazakhstan as well as the Common Economic Space established on 01.01.2012 which allows for a free flow of products and capital, mobility of labour force, unification of technological regulations and certifications, standardization of macroeconomic policy and unified rules of industry and agriculture subsidy.

A big incentive for small companies (up to 100 people) is a 5% income tax or 3% of VAT. Agricultural producers pay 1% of tax from their general income and 0% of VAT. In free economic zones the income tax amounts to 0% for 5 years and 10% of VAT. In hi-tech parks the income tax and VAT are null for 15 years. An interesting and content-related meeting ended with long informal talks on the subjects mentioned at the meeting.


A thank you letter from the Ambassador of the republic of Bela rus to Poland

Podziękowanie Ambasadora Białorusi


Dear Mr President,

Please accept my sincere gratitude for inviting me, giving me the opportunity to participate and give a presentation at the meeting with businessmen – members of the Association „European Business Club Poland” which took place in Warsaw on the 26th of February 2013.

I wish to truly thank you for the friendly atmosphere during the meeting, hospitality, great organization and content-related preparation of this undertaking.

I hope that the demonstrated positive attitude of the management and members of the “European Business Club” shown towards development of co-operation with Belarus will result in the realization of mutually favourable projects in Belarus.

I wish You and all members of the association further success in professional and personal matters, all the best, good health as well as I hope to remain in touch.

Yours sincerely
