The Ukrainian guests had given information on the current economic situation in their country and actual status and perspectives of economic co-operation with Poland.
In February 2013 the Ukrainian government had approved a programme concerning the activisation of the economy for the years 2013-2014. Means for the realization of this plan are to derive from the state budget as well as from international financial organizations, from credits guaranteed by the state, from private investments and companies’ own means (value of the programme-380 billion UAH/48 billion USD). The programme includes inter alia: rise of Ukraine’s GDP in 2013 up to 2,5-3,4 % and in 2014-3,4% as well as an increase in the production of machinery industry by 10% and agricultural production by 25%.
Priorities of the programme: increasing the competitiveness of the economy, improving investment conditions, supporting local producers introducing the policy of import substitution, development of hi-tech industry (rocket-space, aviation), conducting structural reforms in state companies as well as in the infrastructure and communication and the fuel and energy sector. Great priority is to be given to the development of potential export.
Poland is on the the fourth place among the importers of foods and services from Ukraine and on the fifth place among exporters to this country. The balance of mutual turnover is positive for Poland. The main areas of interest for investors are:
- Energy (investment in obtaining energy sources especially coal and natural gas), renewable sources of energy, energy-saving,
- Investment balance in the production and distribution of electrical energy
- Agricultural and food industry ( investment in animal and plant farming as well as agricultural and food processing)
- Building industry (investment in housing construction, infrastructure investment).
In relations with Ukraine Polish entrepreneurs talk about the barriers that exist of systematic nature which make economic co-operation harder. The main barriers are:
- not in time payment of VAT to exporters
- the lack of transparency and immense changes in the Ukrainian law provisions.
A great concern is also the lack of special economic zones.
Polish entrepreneurs count on a fast and significant change in Polish-Ukrainian economic relations which will bring opportunities and favourable conditions for their development. This will be possible thanks to consistent support by Poland Ukraine’s European aspirations and possibility of signing the EU-Ukraine association agreement in the current year. Part of this support is the already being carried out by Poland concept of Eastern Partnership.
The currently uneasy Ukrainian market for Polish business is too important and perspective not to benefit from the arising opportunities of co-operation. It is worthwhile to judge them bilaterally as benefits arising concern two very close countries connected by history.