European Business Club Poland is organizing a nationwide conference “Key to the success of business – how to join forces and raise funds for business activity” that will be held on 27 June 2019. It will be the first edition of the conferences that will be entitled “Key to the success of business “. The main partner of the event will be the Industrial Development Agency JSC (Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. / ARP S.A.). The event will take place at the Olympic Center John Paul II in Warsaw and will be hosted by the editor Krzysztof Skowroński.
ARP S.A. is a joint-stock company under the supervision of the Prime Minister and The State Treasury holds 100% of the company’s stock. While supporting enterprises in running and developing operations as well as in the implementation of restructuring processes, it plays an important role in increasing the competitiveness of the Polish economy.
A wide range of support instruments covers both financial products and beyond financial assistance in the implementation of projects, among others – by making the investment areas and production facilities accessible within the Special Economic Zones managed by ARP. The company also connects and matches partners interested in establishing cooperation in implementation of innovative projects. Thanks to many years of experience and unique competences on the Polish market, ARP has developed an individual approach to project assessment, that allows to see business opportunities in areas that others perceive as unattractive or too risky. As part of the Polish Development Fund Group, ARP cooperates with key Polish institutions supporting entrepreneurs as well as provides solutions’ packages in response to current business needs and challenges. Detailed information on the Industrial Development Agency JSC, can be found on the website: . We invite you to familiarize yourself with a wide range of support instruments addressed to enterprises and encourage you to contact the Agency directly.
This year’s “Poland Great Project”(“Polska Wielki Projekt”), the annual congress, was held on 7 – 9 June 2019 at the Kubicki Arcades in Warsaw. The Congress is a civic kind of event and is a meeting of expert and opinion-forming circles. The event, which has been held annually since 2011, each time is gathering an outstanding group of important participants of the public life as well as a large group of attendees participating in various debates. The aim of the congress is to discuss the strategic development challenges faced by Poland and Europe. This year’s Congress main theme was “PERSPECTIVE”. Mateusz Morawiecki, the Prime Minister, explained in his speech the clue of this subject, stating that “… we do say it loudly today: a new perspective is needed both in Poland and in Europe. Thanks to the new perspective, we will overcome all of the traps of late modernity – the risis of the liberal order, the disruption of European identity as well as economic and political challenges. “
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki speaking at the 9th Polish Great Project Congress
Similarly to the last year, one of the participants of this year’s edition was Janusz Cieślak, President of the European Business Club Poland, who was particularly interested in the panels dealing with economic issues and the role and position of Poland in the European Union.
On April 11, 2019, at the Olympic Center in Warsaw, the European Business Club Poland inaugurated the Association’s celebration of the 15th anniversary of Poland’s accession to the European Union. The event consisted of two parts:
1.Meeting of entrepreneurs with the Vice-President of the European Parliament prof. Zdzisław Krasnodębski on the subject of “Poland’s position in the European Union: current state and perspectives” and with Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation Grzegorz Witkowski on the subject of “Implementation of GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020 co-financed from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund: objectives and benefits”. The meeting was held at the Sports and Tourism Museum located in the Olympic Center in Warsaw. We invite you to read the information about the meeting in the news.
Janusz Cieślak, President of the European Business Club Poland, prof. Zdzisław Krasnodębski, Vice-President of the European Parliament and Grzegorz Witkowski, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation
2.Conducting information and promotion campaign on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund in the context of the possibility of obtaining support under GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020 at the Olympic Center, the Museum of Sport and Tourism and Galeria -1 at the Olympic Center.
The Polish information and promotion campaign carried out by the European Business Club covered, among others the following topics:
visible marking of the Olympic Center (foyer), Museum of Sport and Tourism and Gallery -1 with the logos of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation as well as the European Union and GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020
organizing two stands presenting materials related to GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020, both operated by hostesses: in the foyer of the Olympic Center and the Museum of Sport and Tourism;
distribution of informational and promotional materials by hostesses at the Olympic Center in Warsaw;
a projection of the film on the subject of GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020 and logotypes of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation as well as the European Union and GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020; on a multimedia screen located in the foyer of the Olympic Center prepared by the Association;
tasting of Polish fishes (including sturgeon, trout, herring, cod, pike) at Gallery-1 of the Olympic Center in Warsaw;
culinary show in the form of Live Cooking – 3 dishes (including herring tartare) combined with presenting information on GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020 along with free fishes tasting presented by 2 chefs in aprons with logos of GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020;
presentation of information materials on GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020 on an 80-inch screen in the Gallery – 1 during the tasting of Polish fishes and Live Cooking shows;
placing information and promotional materials on GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020 in the Association’s gift packages given to guests at the end of the event;
We are pleased to announce that the information and promotion campaign carried out by the Association has been met with great interest from the entrepreneurs. The guests were particularly interested in the issue of financing the restocking of Polish rivers and lakes.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Operational Program “Fisheries and Sea” for the years 2014–2020 (GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020).The program of financial support from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the EU (EMFF) for Poland was approved by the European Commission by a decision from 22 October 2015. Poland was granted over 531 million euros, which together with the contribution from the national budget (about 179 million euros), it gives around 710 million euros. This means that our country is at the forefront of the countries that have received the most funds – this allocation is one of the four highest in the European Union.
Division of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund for 2014-2020 among EU countries (million euros).The managing authority is the minister for fisheries.
The EMFF contributes to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and to the implementation of the EU Common Fisheries Policy. It pursues the Union’s priorities for the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture and related activities.
Six Union Priorities (UP) and Technical Assistance are implemented under the GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020. Financial assistance has been directed at supporting both the traditionally understood fisheries sector (as was the case in the financial perspective 2007-2013) as well as the new components, previously financed from sources other than EU funds – such as: the fish market, control and enforcement, collection data and the Integrated Maritime Policy.
UP1: promoting environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based fisheries
UP2: fostering environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based aquaculture
UP3: implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)
UP4: increasing employment and territorial cohesion
UP5: fostering marketing and processing
UP6: implementation of the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP)
UP1: promoting environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based fisheries – the area of support under sea fishing includes, among others measures aimed at the sustainable exploitation of resources and increasing the profitability of fisheries sector entities, including the diversification of their activities and the diversification of income sources.
The general objective of Priority I is sustainable exploitation of resources and increasing the profitability of the fisheries sector. Under this objective, measures that will be implemented, are aimed at increasing the profitability of fisheries sector entities, including the diversification of activities and diversification of sources of income of fisheries entities. In addition, projects will be implemented while maintaining sustainable management of marine and inland water resources, as well as more efficient use of resources and the innovative use of discards and by-catches.
The emphasis will also be put on strengthening cooperation and links between science and the fisheries sector, using the environmental and social conditions of inland fishing to diversify its activities.
To a limited extent, the program of permanent and temporary cessation of fishing activities will be continued, which will primarily be an element of resource protection due to the fact of temporary imbalance between fishing capacity and available resources. Despite the reduction of fishing capacity by more than 40% (until the end of 2013) it is necessary to continue the program of temporary and permanent cessation of fishing activities due to, among others dynamic changes taking place in the share of Baltic Sea fish resources and fluctuations in the availability of fishing opportunities (catching limits). In addition, it should be noted that the majority of the Baltic fleet is inshore fishing and has no alternative fisheries to the Baltic Sea.
The comprehensive approach to resource protection will be complemented by the construction or installation of devices for the protection and development of aquatic fauna and flora or the dismantling of hydrotechnical devices to restore the continuity of fish migration routes (river fragmentation).
UP 2. Fostering environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based aquaculture – in the aquaculture sector, support was provided to, among others, investment activities, purchase of consultancy services (of a technical, scientific, legal, environmental or economic nature) related to running a farm and insurance of aquaculture resources.
The general objective of Priority II is Poland’s achievement and maintenance of the leading position in the European Union in the production of fish from inland aquaculture (extensive and intensive).
This goal will be implemented through a number of activities, among which should be highlighted the strengthening of cooperation between breeders and the world of science for the needs of innovation and practical solutions in aquaculture farms and focus on the growth or maintenance of the level of entrepreneurship in the aquaculture sector (including encouraging the exchange of generational staff management in aquaculture enterprises, modernization and development of innovative aquaculture farms).
Pro-environmental measures that reduce the negative or increase the positive impact of aquaculture farms on the environment are another key aspect.
As part of sector-wide measures, support will cover operations aimed at increasing production, increasing the profitability of aquaculture entities and strengthening planning (spatial, water policy), with particular emphasis on aquaculture areas.
These activities will be supported by comprehensive funding in the field of:
-supporting the transition of aquaculture (where appropriate) from a classical system to a recirculation (closed loop) system,
-developing or introducing new aquaculture species with already good market potential as an alternative to the dominant carp and trout,
-developing and introducing new or improved products, technological processes, management systems, technical, scientific and organizational knowledge in aquaculture farms,
-diversification of aquaculture activities (farming or supplementing existing operations).
There will be also attempts to carry out aquaculture of marine and euryhaline species (adapted for a wide spectrum of water salinity) with a high market value (e.g. turbot, salmonid fish, sturgeon, eel, zander) e.g. in land-based plants fed with seawater or usually brackish water geothermal.
UP 3. Supporting the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy – measures implemented under this priority are aimed at increasing the efficiency of the fisheries control system and improving the process of collecting fisheries data for the implementation of the CFP.
The objective of priority III is to increase the efficiency of the fisheries control system and to streamline the process of collecting fisheries data for the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy and ensuring 100% fulfillment of the obligation to provide all the necessary data for fisheries management.
This goal appeared as a response to the identified need for modernization of IT systems, including the local IT system and a more complete integration of the systems with fisheries administration databases.
In the bottom-up approach, program activities will focus on training fishermen on the objectives and objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy and its implementation, in particular on raising public awareness on the effects of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and the application of the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy.
In the top-down approach, support will be directed to the administration responsible for control. It will also cover the modernization and purchase of control measures. It is also connected with the need to consolidate and improve the quality of tasks performed by control services.
Incorporating inland fisheries elements into control, enforcement and data collection will be a new component of data collection.
PU 4. “Increasing employment and territorial cohesion” is to serve the socio-economic development of fisheries and aquaculture areas. The overall objective of Priority IV is to develop fisheries and aquaculture areas by creating jobs and developing alternative sources of income for fishermen and other industries related to fisheries.
Activating the labor market will be very important in this area. Among them there will be the diversification of employment of people who already have work related to the fisheries sector. It will be done by creating additional jobs outside this sector, not related to the main fishing activity and by encouraging entrepreneurial thinking in young people, e.g. setting up a business. To make this possible, it is planned to launch actions, that would stimulate entrepreneurship of young people as well as increase their participation in the labor market, which will help reduce migration of young and highly qualified people from these areas.
To stimulate the market for a greater demand for products and services produced by newly hired employees, there will be launched activities, that would promote and facilitate the entrepreneurship of local fishing communities, including creating or developing a product supply chain in the fisheries and aquaculture sector. Promotional activities will also include the promotion of local fish products as well as non-production values of fisheries and aquaculture areas.
Particularly, the emphasis will be put on supporting these projects, that are related to maintaining good environmental status in fisheries and aquaculture areas, as well as supporting bottom-up initiatives of Fisheries Local Action Groups and local public-private partnerships for the development of these areas.
PU 5. Supporting marketing and processing – the support area has been focused on activities aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the Polish fishery and aquaculture products processing sector.
The general objective of priority V is to increase the competitiveness of the Polish sector of processing fishery and aquaculture products.
Activities in this area will be focused on increasing fish consumption in Poland.
To make this possible, the support will cover activities focused on:
-better adaptation of the producers’ offer to market requirements,
-limiting the negative impact of fish processing on the environment,
-increasing consumer awareness of the origin and nutritional value of fisheries products,
-intensified marketing of fish products,
-launching new products,
-fuller and more efficient use of resources and raw materials through the use of innovative technologies and the use of waste and discards.
PU 6. Integrated Maritime Policy – under IMP, financial assistance will be directed to, among others, activities aimed at organizing an efficient maritime management system.
The general objective of Priority VI is to support the creation of a maritime management system and to achieve and maintain good ecological status of the marine environment, in particular biodiversity and marine protected areas.
The EMFF contributes to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and to the implementation of the CFP. It pursues the following Union priorities for the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture and related activities that reflect the relevant thematic objectives pertaining to Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013:
1) promoting environmentally sustainable, resource efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based fisheries by achieving the following specific objectives:
(a) reducing the impact of fisheries on the marine environment, including the avoidance and reduction, as far as possible, of unwanted catches;
(b) protection and restoration of aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity;
(c) ensuring that there is a balance between fishing capacity and available fishing opportunities;
(d) improving the competitiveness and profitability of enterprises in the fisheries sector, including the small-scale fishing fleet, and improving safety and working conditions;
(e) supporting the strengthening of technological development and innovation, including energy efficiency and knowledge transfer;
(f) development of vocational training, development of new skills as well as lifelong learning;
2) supporting environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based aquaculture by achieving the following specific objectives:
(a) supporting the strengthening of technological development, innovation and knowledge transfer;
(b) increasing the competitiveness and profitability of aquaculture enterprises, including improving safety and working conditions, in particular in SMEs;
(c) protecting and restoring aquatic biodiversity and supporting aquaculture-related ecosystems as well as promoting resource-efficient aquaculture;
(d) promoting aquaculture with a high level of environmental protection and a high level of animal health and welfare, as well as promotion of public health and safety;
(e) development of vocational training, development of new skills as well as lifelong learning;
3) supporting the implementation of the CFP by achieving the following specific objectives:
(a) improving and supplying scientific knowledge, and collecting and managing data;
(b) supporting monitoring, control and enforcement, enhancing institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administration, without increasing the administrative burden;
4) increasing employment and territorial cohesion by implementing the following specific objective: promoting economic growth, social inclusion and job creation, and supporting employability and labor mobility in coastal and inland communities, that are dependent on fisheries and aquaculture, including diversification of activities in fisheries, as well as towards other maritime sectors;
5) supporting of turnover and processing by achieving the following specific objectives:
(a) better organization of the market of fishery and aquaculture products;
(b) encouraging investment in the processing and marketing sector;
6) supporting the implementation of the Integrated Maritime Policy.
The Managing Authority delegated part of its tasks related to the implementation of GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020 to intermediate bodies (IB): the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture and Provincial Governments. The Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture as IB implements the tasks in the scope of priorities I-III, V-VI and technical assistance. Its main tasks are to announce calls, consider applications for co-financing, sign contracts, as well as summon and pay assistance and control operations.
Provincial Governments on the other hand, implement the above-mentioned tasks within priority IV – under this priority, there have been selected 36 Fisheries Local Action Groups (RLGD), which carry out the call for applications.
The rules applicable to beneficiaries when applying for funding are announced e.g. on IB or RLGD websites. Announcements about the call for applications for co-financing for Priorities I-III and V-VI are posted on the website administered by the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture and in its headquarters and regional branches as well as on the website of the office supporting the minister responsible for fisheries, and for priority IV announcements of the call for applications for co-financing are posted on the website administered by the RLGD that is conducting the recruitment.
Operational Program ‘Fisheries and Sea’ for the years 2014–2020 (GOING AFTER FISHES 2014-2020)
Ministerstwo Gospodarki Morskiej i Żeglugi Śródlądowej
(Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation)
We would like to inform you with pleasure that publication of the European Business Club Poland for the year 2018 is already available in an electronic version. In order to get acquainted with the publications for particular years we ask you to choose in the main menu the tab DOCUMENTS and then click E-PUBLISHING. After opening please open the year 2018, 2015, 2016 or 2017.
This project is part of the commemoration of the centennial of the regaining of independence
and rebuilding Polish statehood.
On the 12th November 2018 at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, the European Business Club Poland Awards Gala Ceremony was held, on the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence. The Association honoured with the awards people and companies that have contributed significantly to the development of Polish entrepreneurship, economy, science, culture and sport, and that have succeeded on the European and international scale. Complete information about the Award Winners and the awards has been included in the first part of the publication. During the event, the 100th anniversary of restoration of Polish independence was commemorated by awarding companies, whose business activity dates back to that period, and also by a carefully prepared artistic program of a patriotic meaning. The event was distinguished with a visual identification of the Multi-annual Programme „Niepodległa” for the years 2017-2022.
The European Business Club Poland takes a holistic approach to business issues. It understands the meaning of culture, science, sport, media and the whole surroundings to entrepreneurship. Such a comprehensive approach indicates a synergy between business activity and other areas, as a result of which there is a multi-direction development of society, humanitarianism and improvement of life quality, which is crucial for entrepreneurship growth. The Association relies on particular rules and the system of values and ideals. These are: culture, ethos, morality, ethics and social solidarity. The Awards of the European Business Club Poland aim at those values, being their personification.
Guests were welcomed by Janusz Cieślak, the President of the European Business Club Poland, who in his speech presented the issues handled by the Association and he invited the guest for co-operation. Prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska, the Chancellery President, reminded about the rules followed by the Chancellery when choosing the winners, namely an economic success, but also morality, ethics and values extremely important to the Association. A speech was given by Zdzisław Sokal, PhD, representing President of Poland, Adrzej Duda, and Adam Bielan, Vice-Marshal of the Senate, who read a letter from Stanisław Karczewski, the Marshal of the Senate – the Gala Honorary Patron. Prof. Zdzisław Krasnodębski, the Vice-President of the European Parliament and the Gala Honorary Patron, spoke to the guests directly from Brussels via a video conference. A speech was given also by Marcin Ociepa, the Under Secretary of State in the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology. Letters were read at loud, from Marek Kuchciński, the Marshal of the Parliament, Beata Szydło, the Vice-President of the Government and Jerzy Kwieciński, the Minister for Investment and Development. Traditionally, the Gala ceremony was hosted by Przemysław Talkowski, the winner of the award BENE MERITUS 2015 HIGHLY DISTINGUISHED.
The artistic program during the ceremony started with a mini recital on the piano by a young, talented pianist Krzysztof Trzaskowski. The artist played the pieces by Frederic Chopin twice. The official part started with the Polonez dance by the “Warszawianka” Song and Dance Ensemble from the University of Warsaw, awarded with the prize PRO FUTURO 2017 FOR THE FUTURE. The program included also Paintings made with sand by Tatiana Galitsyn, a beautiful, specially made for this occasion show related to the 100th anniversary of the Polish independency reestablishment. The awards ceremony was ended with a wonderful concert of patriotic songs by the world-famous tenor Bogusław Morka, who accompanied by the piano charmed the audience with his beautiful voice, the selected repertoire and an amazing contact with the listeners.
Next, the guests went to Arkada Kubickiego to raise a toast and attended a reception during which they could taste the best Polish fish. The table with the Polish fish, which really interested everyone, was prepared as a promotion under the Operation Program “Fishing and sea” for years 2014 – 2020 executed by the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Waterways Transport. Among this year winners, the stands with products were presented by:
the company MOKATE with a very good coffee, tea and cookies, and the Living Museum of Gingerbread with delicious gingerbread made on the spot. Both stands were really enjoyed by the guests.
The patronage was also taken by: the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, the Ministry of Investment and Development, the Polish Agency of Investment and Trade, the National Chamber of Economy, the Polish Economic Association, the Polish Employers, the Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers.
The Main Sponsor of the event was Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo Spółka Akcyjna. The patron was Deutsche Bank. The partner – the Royal Castle in Warsaw. The sponsor was Port Praski.
The media patronage was taken by TVP INFO, Polish Market, Europerspektywy, Nowy Przemysł, platforma wirtualna Nowy Przemysł, Ambasador, Magazyn Świat Elit and the magazine Why Story.
The event was supported by Hotel Bristol, where the award winners from Lvov and Bogusław Morka stayed. The guests were protected by the Security Group “WALKRYS SECURITY”, member of the European Business Club Poland.
The guests evaluated very high both the winners, the artistic program and the delicious and varied cuisine. Congratulations and talks lasted endlessly, and the Guests enjoyed the party to the very late night hours.
More information about the Gala and the Winners can be found on:
We would like to congratulate to the Winners.
We would like to thank Members of the Chancellery for their fruitful work.
We would like to thank the guests for coming and for participating together with the Management Board and Members of the European Business Club Poland Association in this important to entrepreneurs event.
See you at the next Award Gala Ceremony of the European Business Club Poland in 2019!
We would like to inform you with pleasure that publications of the European Business Club Poland are already available in an electronic version. In order to get acquainted with the publications for particular years we ask you to choose in the main menu the tab DOCUMENTS and then click E-PUBLISHING. After opening please open the year 2015, 2016 or 2017.
With great pleasure we notice the international success of Oliwia Szydłowska who performed in an artistic programme in the last year’s Award Ceremony of European Business Club Poland in the Olympic Centre in Warsaw. During this year’s World Championship in Sport Dance in Pula in Croatia on 23-27 May 2018 the young contestant was awarded with three golden medals in three categories: Free Dance solo junior category, Free Dance pair junior category and Dance Show mini formation. 1900 contestants from 17 countries took part in the championship. Oliwia dances in the group “Asia Dance” in the Afterschool Centre Activities [Centrum Zajęć Pozaszkolnych] no 2 in Łódź, run by trainers: Joanna Małek and Piotr Mielczarek.
Dance group ‘Asia Dance” was established in 2011 in the Afterschool Centre Activities no 2 in Łódź (former Youth Community Centre). Its creator and choreographer is Joanna Małek, an instructor, choreographer and dance educationalist. The Group is a member of the Polish Union of Sport Dance and has on its account several dozen golden, silver and bronze medals from Polish Championship in Sport Dance in the categories: solo, pair and formations. The Club has over 130 children who regularly represent our country on the Polish arena as well as internationally. They trained children and youth during dance and acrobatic classes in various dance techniques: disco, hip- hop, modern, jazz, ballet and contemporary dance, taking part in numerous shows, competitions and performances. The solo dancers of the “Asia Dance” regularly find themselves on the podium of prestigious dance competitions. In the current year as many as 27 contestants of “Asia Dance” got a vocation for the Polish team for the World Championship in Sport Dance organised by the International Dance Federation.
From the World Championship in Sport Dance in Croatia the Group brought 9 medals in the categories: Dance Show, Fantasy Show, Free Dance and Disco Slow, including:
I place Solo Junior – Oliwia Szydłowska
I place Pair Junior –Oliwia Szydłowska and Weronika Olszańska
I place Miniformation Junior
II place Solo the youngest 6 year old Anastazja Hajnczel
II place Adult Formation
III place Junior Formation
III place Pair Junior-Ania Sieroń and Ania Szczęsna
III place Solo Junior- Weronika Olszańska
III place Adult Formation
We would like to congratulate the young contestant and wish her further artistic achievements and a lot of international success!
On May 25, at the Warsaw headquarters of Microsoft Poland, the Conference: Revolutions in Innovation 2018 took place.
The conference was organized by WHY Media Group in cooperation with Microsoft Poland. The event was attended by people full of passion, using innovative and modern solutions and ingenuity efficiently used in business.
The conference included six discussion panels:
The first one concerned innovation in Polish companies and local governments.
The second included issues related to science and education.
The third panel discussed the problems of innovation in technology.
The fourth panel, attended by the President of the European Business Club Poland Janusz Cieślak, was innovation in finance and management. The panel also featured: Karolina Hudowicz, board member of the International Coach Federation, director of ICF Śląsk, Ewelina Romańska, HR director Franke Polska, Monika Toczyńska, president of the Audix Polska law firm, Olga Wilińska, president of and Anna Stokłosa, owner of the SM Hotel and Leśny SPA in Krakow.
The penultimate panel was about innovations in NGOs.
Panel: Woman in innovations; culture, art, fashion, beauty was the last, sixth segment of the conference.
The conference: Revolutions in Innovation 2018 concluded with interesting conclusions about both the importance of innovation and modern technological solutions, as well as the human factor, which always remains determinative, highlighted the role of making the right decisions in relations with employees, as well as selecting appropriate technologies. The conference was streamed to all of Poland thanks to Microsoft Poland, and the topics discussed by the invited panelists encouraged hot conversations and exchange of experiences.
On the 25th May 2018 Business, Trade and Investment (BTI) Forum took place. It is one of the projects which were agreed on during last year’s inter-government consultations in December of 2017. Between Poland and Great Britain. The Ministry of Entrepreneurship and technology and the British Embassy in Warsaw were the organisers of the Forum.
The Forum gathered the representatives from business, politics and also journalists and trade associations. Its goal was to present the existing areas of co-operation and the presentation of new possibilities. The President of the European Business Club Poland – Janusz Cieślak took part in this event.
On the 23rd of may 2018 at the Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy an Academic Conference “Management in the XXI century. Social and economic aspects of management in an organisation of the future” was held. The event was held under the content-related patronage of the European Business Club Poland. Janusz Cieślak-the President of the European Business Club Poland was a member of the Honorary Committee chaired by professor Bogdan Nogalski [prof. zw. dr hab. dr h.c., multi Bogdan Nogalski] from the University of Gdańsk.
Management is a faculty which imposes responsibility and requires the creation and promotion of a person in an organisation as the highest value. The dynamic changes taking place both in Poland and in the world force on a constant development, which cannot be based on patterns. The aim of the Conference was to try and answer a question: what should be taught in the faculty of management?; how will the organisations of the future look like?;what employees will intelligent organisations need? and to diagnose mutual relations in the development of structures in the organisations of the future.
Social Policy – the future of work in the XII century. Demographic situation, changes on the job market, migrations, higher life expectancy, globalization and connected with it the growing competitiveness are the phenomenons which influence individual countries and societies both in a regional and as well as local dimension. They also bring on important challenges and demands for the economic and social policy but also the necessity to meet those challenges and demonstrate the direction of action.
Management of logistics in agricultural business. Agricultural business also called the economy of food, is a set of economic activities embracing every entity taking part in the production of food and delivering it to the consumer. Management of logistics in agricultural business is described by connections in logistical chains between agro-food companies. Effective agricultural business as an economic activity cannot function effectively without logistics structures because only adequate logistical solutions will make this sector modern and competitive.
Social and ethical aspects of functioning of the organisation. Social and ethical aspects of organisation’s functioning writes itself into today’s ways of managing a company which is beyond the legal requirements imposed on it. The reality makes that the outer and inner spheres of the organisation mingle. The relation between the inner operations of the organisation and its outer environment is very strong. Corporate social responsibility is actually understood as a connection of operations which aim at economically, socially, ethically and environmentally more effective functioning of management system of the organisation.
The role and the meaning of women in business. In the last period one can see the increasing role of women in creating entrepreneurship. Unfortunately still women in an unequal level participate in company management, decision making or obtaining the goals of the organisation. More and more organisations start to appreciate the benefits from promoting women to managerial posts. Thanks to that it is possible to fully use their professional potential as well as obtain better results in business operations. However, such mentality is common.
Communication and shaping of organisational culture. Organisational culture is a route to an effective realisation of company’s goals but on the other hand it is also a source of difficulties. Many companies today ask themselves a question how to communicate and create the desired organisational culture so that it helps to build the desired ambiance inside the organisation. Organisational culture cannot also be created overnight and once and for all as it is vivid and changeable. It requires full consciousness in managerial operations as well as a vision towards which it should go.
The President of the EBC Poland took part in the panels sparing his knowledge and experience.
President Beata Drzazga, a member of the Management Board of RBC Poland – distinguished!
We are pleased to inform that Beata Drzazga – President of BetaMed plc and a member of the Management Board of the European Business Club Poland was distinguished by the following awards:
Polish Women of 100-years – Polish Women have a Voice – awarded by Sebastian Skalski
Manager of the year 2017 of the Silesian Voivodship, 1st place in the category of Medium and Large Companies – awarded by Dziennik Zachodni
TOP Manager 2017 of Silesian Voivodship Prize – awarded by Dziennik Zachodni
2018 Leader in health protection – Effective Management in Healthcare – 2nd place – awarded by the Publisher OSOZ
An outstanding merit for the Regional managerial Community – awarded by Silesian Managers
Leader of Polish Business – awarded by BCC
Family company – awarded by Chamber of Guilds and Small and Medium Enterprises
The Management Board and members of the European Business Club Poland would like to congratulate the President in achieving the award.
From 17th to 20th of May 2018 an annual congress “Poland the Great Project” was held. The Congress is a civic event which is a meeting of expert and opinion making communities. It is being held since 2011 every time gathering a group of distinguished thinkers, important participants of public life as well as a vast audience participating in the debates. The aim of the Congress is to discuss the strategic development challenges standing before Poland and Europe.
Just like last year Janusz Cieślak – President of the European Business Club Poland was a participant of this year’s edition. He was especially interested in panels concerning the issues of economy and Poland’s role and place in the European Union.
On the 19th of May 2018 another field meeting of the Management Board of the European Business Club Poland took place. The theme of the meeting was to discuss the plan of work of the Organisational Committee in the current year as well as international co-operation of the Club. The meeting was held in a Tourist Resort “Targowski Dwór” situated in an idyllic and picturesque place in Mazury called Targowo, beside Szczytno, in the estate of Bartosz Gołębiowski who is a son of the member of the Management Board – Czesław Gołębiowski.
In the part dedicated to international co-operation the following invited guests from Bulgaria took part: Professor at the University of Sophia – Wladimir Atanasow (former Minister for Science and Education as well as the Ambassador of Bulgaria to Slovenia), Swetla Zlatarska – former attaché in the Embassy of Bulgaria in Warsaw ,as well as Daria Tataj PhD. the founder and director of Tataj Innovation – global crowsourcing company.
Prof. W. Atanasow in his speech thank for the invitation to this meeting and emphasized the interest in economic co-operation with our country. He also was grateful for the enthusiasm and friendship with which he got from Polish entrepreneurs which caused that even with greater pleasure he will promote Polish entrepreneurs in Bulgaria. He also passed the wishes of development and success for entrepreneurs in the European Business Club Poland through the Management Board.
Daria Tataj PhD. Discussed in detail the chosen issues from her book published in the United States „Innovation and entrepreneurship: A Growth Model for Europe Beyond the Crisis”. The book researches the process of creating innovation and proposes a model to create innovations on a mass scale. Being based on on new research and extensive experience in the European Institute of Innovation and Technology Daria Tataj PhD. describes the dynamic architecture of global innovation networks, the way in which those networks mingle between themselves and how the ability to switch in between them leads to accumulation of talent, knowledge, skills and capital. Thanks to the analysis of innovation in the United States, China and especially Europe, the book answers the question why innovation centres are established and how this process can be repeated. If we want to create innovations as general directors, entrepreneurs, politicians or university leaders, this book will show precise mechanisms which will allow innovation centres to attract worldwide talents, risk capital and acquire knowledge.
A very hard working and constructive meeting of the Management Board was concluded by a great concert organised in Święta Lipka and a nice and charming evening in a beautiful ballroom of “Targowski Dwór” organised by the welcoming hosts. The guests were served delicacies by the Resort “Targowski Dwór” which also offers massages, relaxation in a mini spa: sauna and jacuzzi. A beautiful countryside and views onto the nearby pond create a pleasurable ambiance both for relaxation as well as for holding various types of conferences.
We cordially invite you to visit the Tourist Center “Targowski Dwór”.
Over 150 theme session, 900 lectures and a record number of visiting guests – 11,500 thousand participants including over 700 media representatives – in Katowice the 10th jubilee edition of the European Economic Congress (EEC) ended.
10th edition of the European Economic Congress was unique on many levels: record number of attendants both participants and media, record number of sessions, lecturers from all over the world and simultaneously other events taking place. Such an enormous interest of the community proofs that creating space for dialogue and establishing business relations makes sense. “Behind us are many valuable discussions and many important recommendations for the future shape of Poland and Europe” – said Wojciech Kuśpik summarising the jubilee edition of the event. He is the President of the Group PTWP, the initiator of the Economic Congress in Katowice.
Inauguration of the Congress took place in Spodek in Katowice.
Among the leading topics of the 10th edition of the European Economic Congress were inter alia: political changes in the EU; economy after Brexit; the hierarchy of values in the economy in the era of new generation of employees; the future of towns and metropolis; investments; IV industrial revolution, digitalization; electomobility; artificial intelligence; virtual, mixed and extended reality; Internet of Things (IoT); blockchain; robotics and automatization, as well as opportunities and threats arising from the expansion of new technologies in the world.
In the agenda there were also sessions dedicated to such areas of the economy and public life as: financial, innovations, technologies and human, education, energy and resources, mining and steel industry, management, local governance and regional policies, infrastructure, health market, transport and logistics, building industry and property as well as global economic co-operation.
The guests of the 10th European Economic Congress in Katowice (14-16 May 2018) were inter alia: representatives of the European Commission: Andrus Ansip vice-president for single digital market in the European Commission, prime minister of Estonia in the years 2005-2013; Miguel Arias Cañete – Commissioner of the European Union for climate and energy policies and Cecilia Malmström – Commissioner of the European Union for trade.
Polish government was represented by inter alia: Mateusz Morawiecki – President of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland; Jacek Czaputowicz – Minister of Foreign Affairs; Teresa Czerwińska – Minister of Finance; Jadwiga Emilewicz – Minister for Entrepreneurship and Technology; Jarosław Gowin – vicepresident of the Council of Ministers, Minister of Science and Higher Education; Henryk Kowalczyk – Moinister of the Environment; Jerzy Kwieciński – Minister for Investment and Development; Krzysztof Tchórzewski – Minister for Rnergy and Anna Zalewska – Minister of National Education.
The President Janusz Cieślak represented the European Business Club Poland and took part in the inauguration session and in the following panels: “National Champions – ambitions and perspectives”; “Investments in Central Europe and in Poland”; “Foreign expansion of companies”; “Forum of economic co-operation ASEAN – European Union” and “ Geopolitics, security, economy”.
The 10th edition of the event was inaugurated by the representatives of the regional government: Wojciech Saługa – Regional Governor of the Silesian Voivodship; Jarosław Wieczorek – Province governor of Silesia; Marcin Krupa – President of Katowice; Kazimierz Karolczak – the Chairperson of the Board of the Upper Silesia Metropolis and Wojciech Kuśpik – President of the Group PTWP, initiator of the European Economic Congress.
In the inauguration session “Our New Europe” participated inter alia: George A. Papandreu, prime mnister of Greece 2009-2011; Iveta Radičová, prime minister of Slovakia in 2010-2012; Herman Van Rompuy, retired chairperson of the European Council, Belgian prime minister in 2008-2009 and Alexander Stubb, prime minister of Finland in 2014-2015, minister of finance in 2015-2016, vice-president of the Board of the European Central Bank. Experts exchanged opinions concerning the continent. In the first part of the debate the issue of European solidarity came up towards such issues like migration, trade wars, brexit as well as climate change.
Mateusz Morawiecki – president of the Council of Ministers in the Republic of Poland came to Katowice on the second day of the European Economic Congress. “Poland in 10 years will be a high-tech country, a country which will stun other countries as well as companies in the world with its modernity and its innovativeness. I believe that in this room are future winners of the Polish economy” – he said addressing the participants of the European Start-up Days. He also visited the stands of 100 best start-ups awarded in the competition Start-up Challenge which presented themselves in a specially dedicated Scale-up Alley in Spodek.
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on the European Start-up Days.
We encourage you to get acquainted with the latest book of prof. Joanna Paliszewska of SGGW, Chairperson of the Foreign Committee of European Business Club Poland written in co-operation with prof. Barbara Kożuch and prof. Sławomir Magala titled “Managing Public Trust” published by Palgrave Macmillan. This book presents theoretical and practical aspects connected with management of public trust. Results of research from seven countries have also been presented: Brazil, Finland, Poland, Hungary, Portugal, Taiwan and Turkey. The book consists of five chapters concerning the meaning of trust, types, dimensions and its role of trust in management; organizational challenges connected with public trust; the influence of social media on the development of public trust; the dynamics of public trust towards business and public trust in various cultural contexts.
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