The European Business Club Association honoured, for the fifth time in its history, at the annual Gala at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, individuals and firms which distinguishably contributed to the development of entrepreneurship, economy, science, culture and sports in Poland, with its awards. As every year, the Association recognised the laureates, who have contributed to the development of entrepreneurship, economy, science, culture and sport in Poland, and who have achieved success on a European and global scale.
The following winners received the honorary awards of the European Business Club Poland:
European Congress of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
for significant contribution to the process of strengthening Poland’s position in the European Union and supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises
Professor h. c. Andrzej Kraśnicki
President of Polish Olympic Committee
in recognition of long-term activities for strengthening the position of Polish sport all over the world and disseminating the Olympic ideas and fair play values
Mrs. Sylwia Ładzińska and Mr. Rafał Ładziński
owners of the firm Metal-Master
for 20 years of successes in construction, production and export to countries all over the globe of innovative machines and equipment as well as and also for constructing the jet aircraft FLARIS – a landmark in jet transport technology
Mr. Krzysztof Bołtowicz
owner of the car company BOŁTOWICZ
for long-standing professionalism, creativity, courageous and dynamic management of the automobile firm Bołtowicz
Mr. Sławomir Kowalski
former Consul of the Republic of Poland in Norway
for courage, empathy and involvement in protecting Polish families aboard
and proud representation of Poland
Mr. Mariusz Woźniak
Entrepreneur from the United Kingdom
for his consistent activity to strengthen the position of the Polish community abroad in the United Kingdom, professionalism and professional successes
Mr. Jan Łosakiewicz
Director of the Dance and Song Ensemble of the University of Warsaw ”Warszawianka”
for upholding the tradition of the Polish folklore and outstanding contribution to the development of the Polish dances
NTT System S.A.
for 30 years of the courage in thinking, bushiness effectiveness, organisational innovativeness and dynamic development of the computer market in Poland
Ms. Agata Janiak
Director of the Educational and Care Centre in Tomisławice
for 23 years of her work for difficult young people and outstanding successes in implementing the individualisation of the process of education and care
The Foundation ”Dom w Łodzi”
for the sea of love and creating a safe and loving home for the youngest, terminally ill, disabled and abandoned children
All the lauretes, in the light of the justification of the prizes awarded, our laureates’ activities carried out for local or industry communities are the best example of not only professional but also social ones, and their conduct is worth following and being made them public. The purpose of this project is to boost the prestige and high position of business environment in Poland, and to promote business initiatives, entrepreneurs, firms, institutions, organisations and social activity.
Award Committee is chaired by Professor Elżbieta Mączyńska, President of the Polish Economic Society, Member of the National Development Council.
This year’s Gala was held under the honorary patronage of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who sent the participants of the Gala a letter, that was read at the beginning of the ceremony. The letter to the Gala participants was presented by Stanisław Karczewski, Deputy Speaker of the Senate. Like in the last the event was on entered on the list of projects implemented as part of Poland’s centenary anniversary of regaining independence and restoration of the Polish statehood, and it received the visual identification of the Multiannual Programme ”Niepodległa”.
The event gathered guests from all over Poland and from abroad, including entrepreneurs, diplomats accredited in Poland, MPs and senators as well as representatives of the world of culture, sport and the media. The Honorary Guests were: Piotr Wawrzyk, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who spoke on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrzej Gut – Mostowy, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Development, who read a letter addressed to participants by Jadwiga Emilewicz, Minister of Development, Zbigniew Gryglas, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of State Assets spoke on behalf of the Minister of State Assets. The letter from Grzegorz Witkowski, UnderSecretary of State in the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Shipping, was read out by Rene Karkoche, representative of the Ministry’s Press Office. Laudations on the occasion of granting the Main Award were given by: Adam Abramowicz, the Envoy for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises for the European Congress of Small and Medium-Sized and prof. Dr hab. Andrzej Rokita for doctor Andrzej Kraśnicki.
Among the institutional Honorary Patrons were: Ministry of Development, Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, Polish Investment and Trade Agency, Polish Chamber of Commerce, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, Polish Economic Society, Employers of Poland, Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers.
The Main Partner of the event was Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
The Strategic Partner was the Port of Gdynia.
The partner was the Royal Castle in Warsaw.
The exclusive TV patronage was taken by TVP INFO.
The media patrons were: Polish Market economic magazine, Europerspektywy quarterly, Why Story monthly, Ambasador magazine and Świat Elit magazine.
Traditionally, the gala was hosted by the editor Przemysław Talkowski, winner of the BENE MERITUS 2015 HIGHLY DISTINGUISHED.
The official part was opened by the „Polka” dance, performed by the wonderful ‘Warszawianka’ Folk Song and Dance Ensemble of Warsaw University, winner of the PRO FUTURO 2017 FOR THE FUTURE award. The award ceremony was preceded by a mini recital of Mateusz Mijal who charmed everyone with his performance of three known and popular songs: ”Lubię wracać tam gdzie byłem” from Zbigniew Wodecki’s repertoire, ”Uciekaj moje serce” from Seweryn Krajewski’s repertoire and ”Nie chcę więcej” from Michał Bajor’s repertoire. Furthermore, the presentation of the VICTORIA EUROPAE 2019 EUROPEAN VICTORY Main Award was preceded by the performance of the lyric tenor Chaoran Zuo who presented the participants his artistry in the works: Stanisław Moniuszko’s song ”Krakowiaczek”, Feliks Nowowiejski’s song ”Czy ty mnie jeszcze kochasz” and Zieliński’s aria ”Gdy ślub weźmiesz z twoim Stachem” and „O sole mio” as an encore.
After the official part of the ceremony, the guests moved to Kubicki Arcades to enjoy a party during which they had the opportunity to taste delicious dishes prepared by Kręgliccy Restaurant and the best Polish fish prepared especially for this occasion by the Złoty Okoń Restaurant. The table with Polish fish which arose a great interest, was prepared as part of the promotion of the Operational Programme ”Fisheries and Sea” for the years 2014–2020 implemented by the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Shipping. The company MOKATE had its stand with its products: delicious coffee, tea and cookies.
All guests rated highly the selection of this year’s laureates, the artistic program and delicious and varied cuisine.
We would like to congratulate the Laureates once again!