For the second time now, during an official award ceremony, the European Business Club Poland will honour individuals and companies which have made significant contributions to the development of entrepreneurship, economy, local government bodies or autonomous activity, science, culture and sports in Poland and achieved success on the European and global scale.
The Jury of the European Business Club Poland Awards, comprised of great representatives of the business, scientific and sports community, led by Prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska, Ph.D., President of the Polish Economic Society, member of the National Development Council and the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, presented awards in the following categories:
The Main Prize, VICTORIA EUROPAE (European Victoria), awarded to natural persons, companies, institutions, social organisations, initiatives and enterprises with significant contributions to raising the status of Poland on the international arena
plus awards in five equal categories:
ENTREPRENEUR MAGNUS (Extraordinary Entrepreneur) awarded for extraordinary achievements and contributions to the economy
BENE MERITUS (Highly Distinguished) awarded for special achievements in particular areas
SIGNUM TEMPORIS (Sign of the Times) awarded for innovative solutions as well as achievements supporting European integration and the development of civil society
PRO FUTURO (For the Future) awarded for contributions supporting the development of entrepreneurship, economy, science, culture and sports
PRO PUBLICO BONO (For Social Activity) awarded for special achievements in the area of social activity.
All awards are honorary.
We are pleased to announce that the honorary patronage over the ceremony is held by the Polish Chamber of Commerce, Polish Economic Society, Employers of Poland, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency.
The media partners include Polsat News, Polish Market economic journal, Miesięcznik Gospodarczy Nowy Przemysł [New Industry Monthly], wnp.pl website, Eurogospodarka journal [Euroeconomy], WhyStory journal and Europerspektywy [Europerspectives] bimonthly journal.
The European Business Club Poland Awards Ceremony will take place on 24 September 2016 at Królewski Theatre in Łazienki Park, in Warsaw, which holds a very symbolic and important place in the Polish history. The Łazienki Park palace complex served as the summer residence of the last Polish King Stanisław August. Today, its beauty and splendour attracts both Warsaw residents and crowds of tourists. Its rich architecture and art offer superb aesthetic experiences. It all makes the Łazienki Park in Warsaw one of the most prestigious meeting places for business, culture and art.
The official gala will be hosted by journalist Przemysław Talkowski, last year’s winner of the BENE MERITUS (Highly Distinguished) award.
The guests will be welcomed by The Warsaw Dixielanders band. During the artistic part of the event, the participants and guests will enjoy the performance Zespół Pieśni i Tańca Śląsk im. Stanisława Hadyny [Polish National Song and Dance Ensemble “Śląsk” in memory of Stanisław Hadyna].
More information on the activities of the European Business Club Poland and the last year’s European Business Club Poland Award Ceremony can be found on the Club’s website www.ekb.org.pl. Please, visit us there.