We encourage you to get acquainted with the latest book of prof. Joanna Paliszewska of SGGW, Chairperson of the Foreign Committee of European Business Club Poland written in co-operation with prof. Barbara Kożuch and prof. Sławomir Magala titled “Managing Public Trust” published by Palgrave Macmillan. This book presents theoretical and practical aspects connected with management of public trust. Results of research from seven countries have also been presented: Brazil, Finland, Poland, Hungary, Portugal, Taiwan and Turkey. The book consists of five chapters concerning the meaning of trust, types, dimensions and its role of trust in management; organizational challenges connected with public trust; the influence of social media on the development of public trust; the dynamics of public trust towards business and public trust in various cultural contexts.
Tag: members of the European Business Club Poland
About facilitating the operations of small and medium enterprises, Constitution for Business and European Funds during a meeting at the European Business Club Poland in the Museum of Sport and Tourism in Warsaw.
On the 18th of April 2018 European Business Club Poland hosted Ms. Sylwia Romańczak – Deputy Director in the Department of Promotion of European Funds at the Ministry of Investment and Development. The meeting of the members and sympathizers of the Club took place in the Museum of Sport and Tourism situated in the Olympic Centre on ul. Wybrzeże Gdańskie 4 in Warsaw.
The meeting was dedicated to plans and intentions of the Ministry in the area of facilitating operations of small and medium enterprises, improvement of conditions of their functioning, eliminating existing development barriers, innovative actions geared towards the needs of entrepreneurs, increase in the effectiveness of using EU funds by entrepreneurs, presentations of existing forms of support and possibilities of obtaining the funds for innovative projects.
During the meeting attention had been drawn to an important aspect which are relations between state institutions and entrepreneurs. It is about their improvement also through introduction of a simple language instead of the typical official language which is very often hard to understand for a small or medium entrepreneur, elaboration of models and clear and transparent procedures equal for everyone. Above all entrepreneurs want to improve that co-operation and for clerks to show more will to help and openness for problems with which entrepreneurs have to deal with.
The participants of the meeting had an opportunity to take part in an open discussion with the Director Sylwia Romańczak during which questions had been asked about obtaining EU and other funds, attention had also been drawn to model solutions facilitating the everyday operations of entrepreneurs. As a significant problem the issue of long lasting waiting for work permits for foreigners which were once issued by The Office for Foreigners [Urząd do Spraw Cudzoziemców] in 1 day was raised however, now the waiting can last up to 6 months which then has a negative influence on the operations of the entrepreneur and the foreigner who despite their will cannot take up work.
The gathered entrepreneurs emphasized that they count on the support of the Ministry of Investment and Development in key issues concerning them. Ms Sylwia Romańczak with great interest listened to all issues and gave exhaustive answers. Entrepreneurs shared the will of yet another meeting during which together with the hosted Guest they could evaluate the changes in the indicated areas of interest.
At the end everyone could individually talk with the Guest of the Club as well as exchange opinions between the participants of the meeting.
It is worthwhile to mention that this was the first meeting within the series of “Meeting with the Guest of the Club” which took place in the beautiful Museum of Sport and Tourism situated in the Olympic Centre in Warsaw. The Guest of the meeting and the members and sympathizers of the Club had an opportunity to visit the rich exhibition of more than 45 thousand unique and original exhibits in the area of sport. The pictures below show only a few exhibits. By organising a meeting in the Museum of Sport and Tourism the European Business Club Poland presents and promotes one of the most interesting places to visit i.e. The Museum of Sport and Tourism. We truly recommend to visit this fabulous place and to spread information about it.
Field meeting of the Management Board of the EBC Poland in the company KŁOS LATEST TECHNOLOGIES LTD. [KŁOS NOWOCZESNE TECHNOLOGIE BANKOWE Sp. z o.o.] in Mościska.
On the 17th of April 2018 a third meeting of the new Management Board of the European Business Club took place. The meeting was held upon the invitation of the President of the Management Board in the KŁOS LATEST TECHNOLOGIES LTD. of Mr Zbigniew Kłos in Mościska (ul. Chabrowa 32).

Mr Janusz Cieślak, the President of the European Business Club Poland chaired the meeting.

The main topic of the meeting was to discuss the course of action for 2018 of two committees:
- Socio-Economic Committee
- Foreign Committee
The Chairperson of the Socio-Economic Committee Mr Czesław Gołębiowski as priority tasks for 2018 presented inter alia, tightening co-operation with the Economic and Development Committee of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and with the Parliamentary group for the Support of Entrepreneurship and Economic Patriotism, co-operation with national and foreign economic entities in the area of: entrepreneurship development, establishment of new business contacts and undertaking an array of activities concerning economic co-operation.

The Chairperson of the Foreign Committee prof. Joanna Paliszkiewicz presented a plan and a vision of activities for 2018. In her speech she concentrated mostly on the co-operation with national and foreign economic entities as well as on the realization if the initiatives of the Management Board of EBC Poland inter alia, co-participation in the organisationof meetings of members and sympathizers of the Club with the representatives of the diplomatic corpus accredited in Poland, with the representatives of public administration, education and business in order to develop a network of international contacts.

The Management Board of the European Business Club Poland accepted the information and proposals of the Presidents of both Committees and accepted them for implementation.

The third part of the field meeting was connected with the presentation given by the President of the Management Board Kłos Latest Banking Technologies Ltd. – Mr. Zbigniew Kłos on his company. The company was established on the 1st of July 2009 in the process of transformation of an individual economic activity conducted by Mr. Zbigniew Kłos under the name Kłos Zbigniew Latest Banking Technologies. The beginnings of the operations of the companies are dated since 1964 when it operated as Producers of Locks and Banking Equipment. Currently it is trading company under the name KŁOS LATEST BANKING TECHNOLOGIES LTD. with entirely Polish capital of 6,600,000 PLN. The company is a specialised, professional producer and distributor of equipment for facilitating and keeping cash.
The company KŁOS is the authorised trading representative of such companies as: KABA AG, MULTI CASH, WERTHEIM, GRG BANKING, PROCOIN i LAGARD.
The company KŁOS offers, inter alia:
- Recyclers – dispensers with close flow of cash
- ATM Machines
- VTMs – self services branches
- Storting machines and counting machines for cash
- Multifaces (cabinet cashiers) – I class theft proof and S1 and S2
- Electronic and mechanical night vaults
- Electronic vault sets (vault + safe)
- Strong Bowes and Money units
- Cabinet safes
- Transfers units
- Electronic, vault and order locks
- Class A, B and C mechanical and electronic locks
- Protection door including fireproof and bulletproof
- Frontier System (system of locking and opeining of bank and trading premises without a key)
- Service-whole of Poland
The company offers an array of latest equipment of the highest technical standard. Among them are multifunctional equipment, professional high-performance sorting machines for banknotes and coins, counting machines, self-service cash deposit machines for banknotes and coins . The equipment is made according to the latest technologies coherent with the standards of NBP as well as the Ministry of the Interior and Administration.
The meeting was concluded with a delicious lunch during which the participants of the meeting continued club and business talks.
The Ambassador of Hungary to Poland – PhD Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács – a guest of the European Business Club Poland.
On the 6th of March 2018 upon the invitation of the President Janusz Cieślak PhD Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács – Ambassador of Hungary was a guest of the European Business Club Poland. She was accompanied by Otto Sipos – Trade Councellor of the Embassy.

The meeting of members and affiliates of the Club which took place in the Stock Exchange at ul. Książęca 4 in Warsaw was dedicated to discussion over Polish and Hungarian economic co-operation and problems making it harder and elements that make it easier as well as the perspecrive of its development.
When greting the guest the President – Janusz Cieślak emphasised that PhD Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács is an expert on Poland and is fluent in Polish. He also mentioned that the current visit is the continuation of extremely good relation of the Association with the Hungarian Embassy which started just after the European Business Club was established.
At the begining of her speech the Ambassador to Hungary presented information about the economy of her country emphasising a systematic Since 2011 fall in umemployment which currently is at 4%. She also mentioned tha lack of debt towards the International Monetary Fund, posesing enough of own savings due to conducting of disciplined budget policy and big confidence from investors. The Hunagrian model of economy is based on 4 pillars:
The model of the Hungarian economy is based on 4 pillars :
- competetiveness
- demography
- pro family policy
- econmy based on full confidence
Then PhD Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács mentioned the most important issues which influence the tightening of economic relations between Poland and Hungary. An important element causing the development of such relations is an increase in the frequency of flight connections between Warsaw and Budapest operatem by PLL LOT. Polish Airlines LOT will also take Hungarian passangers on the route to Chicago and New York. The intention of Polish and Hungarian governments is to build close relations of both countries by building a motorway connecting Warsaw and Budapest as well as as fast rail, which will shorten travelling time a great Deal (currently it takes 12 hours to travell from Warsaw to Budapest). Economic and commercial co-operation is dynamically developing year to year: in the teras 2006-2016 the Polish-Hungarian trade exchange had almost double and in 2016 Poland was the 6th big gest trading partner of Hungary. The state of Hungarian direct investments in Poland by the end of 2015 reached the value of 790,3 milion euro, and the state of Polish investment in Hungary in that same timeframe amounted to 475,8 milion euro.
According to the set tradion of our Club the participants had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussion with PhD Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács and also Otto Sipos – Trade Councellor of the Embassy
The meeting ended with great cocktail party during which everyone individually could talk to the Guests and exchange opinions with other participants of the meeting.
Janusz Cieślak once again is the President of the EBC Poland for a 5 year term.
On the 14th December 2017 a General Assembley (reporting and election) of the Members of the Association European Business Club Poland took place. The place of deliberations was the conference room in the Hotel „Czarny Kot – My Warsaw Residence” in Warsaw.
After opening the deliberations the President of the Board – Janusz Cieślak handel membership cards to the New members of the Association.
According the the Agenda the following documents were read out:
- Report on the activities of the Association in 2016 together with the roprt on the activities of the Board, presented by the President- Janusz Cieślak.
- Financial report together with the report of the Audit Commission
In its report the Audit Commission marked highly the activities of the Board and emphasised a specific role of the President Janusz Cieślak in the achived sucess.
The General Assebbley unanimously, in the form of a resolution, affirmed the presented reports giving the approval both for the Board and the Audit Commission.
Then the following Board of the Association was chosen for a 5 year term:
Janusz Cieślak – President of the Board
Krzysztof Walendziewski – Vice President of the Board
Jolanta Batycka-Wąsik
Beata Drzazga
Czesław Gołębiowski
Andrzej Malaga
Joanna Paliszkiewicz
Jacek Ragus
Jerzy Smolarczyk
After the General Assembley a Christmas-New Year meeting took place. It had a nice Christams ambiance and was a time do summerize the passing year, shear professional success and common happiness because of the comming holiday season and reflection. The President – Janusz Cieślak in his speech thanked all the present for co-operation in the current year and wished them and their families Christmas nad New Year wishes .
The Pre-Christmas Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
On the 12th December 2017 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organised an annual pre-Christmas meeting the the Hotel Bellotto in Warsaw. The host of the event was Marek Magierwoski – UnderSecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meeting was dedicated to summerizing the activities in the area of economic diplamacy realised by the Department of Economic Cooperation and diplomatic posts of the Republic of Poland in co-operation with the representatives of Polish business, government administration, local government and agencies and institutions actively operating in the ara of promotion of Polish economy as well as discussing plans in that area for 2018. The President of the European Business Club Poland – Janusz Cieślak was a guest at the meeting.
Mateusz Morawiecki, Laureate of the VICTORIA EUROPAE 2017 EUROPEAN VICTORIA became Head of the Council of Ministers.
We are pleased to announce that the Laureate of the European Business Club VICTORIA EUROPAE 2017 EUROPEAN VICTORIA award Mr. Mateusz Morawiecki was appointed Prime Minister. He also kept his post as Minister of Development and Finance.
The management and members of the European Business Club Poland would like to give Prime Minister sincere congratulations and wish him success in the fulfilment of his function. We also express the conviction that, in his new role, Prime Minister will continue his activity which granted him the VICTORIA EUROPAE 2017 EUROPEAN VICTORY award in appreciation of his extraordinary merits and accomplishments in improving conditions for the growth of the Polish economy and raising its rank internationally. We anticipate fast implementation of measures for the development of small and medium-sized Polish enterprises and facilitation of their functioning as well as simplification, reduction and stabilisation of legislation in this regard.
Mateusz Morawiecki was born on 20th of June 1968 in Wrocław. He is a Polish manager, banker and a politician. On 11th of December 2017 he was appointed Head of the Council of Ministers, Minister of Development and Finances. From September 29, 2016 to December 11, 2017 he was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development and Finance. From November 16, 2015 to September 29, 2016 he held the office of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development. He obtained a degree in History at the University of Wrocław, Business Administration at Warsaw University of Technology and Central Connecticut State University, as well as receiving the MBA degree at the Wrocław Economic Academy. He is also an alumnus of University in Hamburg, University of Basel and Kellog School of Management of the Northwestern University, Evanston in the United States of America.
He began his professional career in 1992, in Cogito company. In the years 1993-1996 he worked for the Wrocław Enter Marketing-Publishing company. In 1995 he did an internship in Deutsche Bundesbank, and worked for University of Frankfurt am Main in the years 1996-1997. He is the co-author of a handbook on European law and economic integration. Between 1998-2001 he was a member of the supervisory boards of the Industry Development Agency and Electric Company Wałbrzych. He also sat in the regional council of Dolnośląskie voivodship during its first term. In 1998 he became Deputy Director of Department of Accession Negotiations in the Committee of European Integration and was a member of the body that negotiated Poland’s accession to the European Union (banking and Finance). Between 1998-2001 he worked in Bank Zachodni – first as an advisor to the Chairman of the Board, then as a Management member and the Executive Director. In June 2001, Mateusz Morawiecki became a member of the Management of Bank Zachodni WBK, and in May 2007 was appointed Chairman of the Board.
In 2013 he was awarded with the Cross of Freedom and Solidarity, in appreciation of his work for the independence and sovereignty of Poland and respecting human rights.
June 23, 2015, for his extraordinary merits in supporting and promoting Polish culture and national heritage, he was awarded with Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restitua.
He is fluent in English and German and speaks Russian.
European Business Club Poland Gala Awards Ceremony 2017.
Press Information
European Business Club Poland Gala Awards Ceremony 2017
Olympic Centre in Warsaw
28 October, 2017
For the third time the European Business Club Poland – at the official Gala Award Ceremony – honoured individuals and companies which in a particular way contributed to the development of entrepreneurship, economy, local governments and charity activities, science, culture and sport as well as those who achieved success on the European and global scale.
The chapter of the Awards of the European Business Club Poland, composed of outstanding representatives of business, science and sport and chaired by Professor Elżbieta Mączyńska, the President of the Polish Economic Society and member of National Development Council called by President of the Republic of Poland, awarded the honorary prizes, as follows:
Mateusz Morawiecki, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Finance, in the recognition of his special contributions and achievements in the activities for creating conditions for the Polish economy development and increasing its importance in the international arena.
Beata Drzazga, the Presidend of BetaMed S. A., for building the biggest in Poland professional and patient-friendly medical company Beta Meta S. A. providing home and clinic medical care for the chronically-ill and aged people as well as for outstanding managerial achievements.
Senator Lidia Staroń for taking up and solving difficult problems of Polish enterpreneurs , defending their good name and initiating changes in the Polish law.
The team of ski jumpers composed of Maciej Kot, Dawid Kubacki, Kamil Stoch and Piotr Żyła for setting world-wide standards in team ski jumping, making the name of Poland famous all over the world and building positive social emotions.
TV POLONIA for popularizing the Polish economy abroad and unique achievement in building the national pride among the Polish community world-wide.
The Praski Port for the bold implementation of the architectural and urban development project “the Praski Port – a town of new generation” which will transform Warsaw into a modern capital of the XXIst century.
Walkrys Security Sp. z o . o. for diligence and professionalism In providing full service for exclusive hotels and luxury apartment buildings.
The Warsaw University Song and Dance Ensemble “Warszawianka” for unique achievement in promoting Polish tradition and culture.
Whisbear® (Firma SZUMISIE) for creativity and the innovative project Whisbear® (Szumisie) meant for babies as well as for boldness in winning the world-wide markets.
Priest Jacek Stryczek for creating the Polish national project “Noble Parcel” (“Szlachetne paczka”) to help impoverished families and long-standing activity for people in need.
We have pleasure in informing that Stanisław Karczewski, the Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, and Ryszard Czarnecki, the Deputy Chairman of the European Parliament, were the honorary patrons of the Gala Ceremony.
The honorary institution patronage was taken by the Ministry of Economic Development, the Polish Chamber of Commerce, the Polish Agency of Innovation and Commerce, the Polish Economic Society, Employers of the Republic of Poland and the Union of Enterpreneurs and Employers.
Deutsche Bank was the patron of the Gala and the Konarczuk Meat Factory (Zakład Mięsny Konarczuk) was its sponsor.
The media patronage was taken by Polsat News, economic magazine Polish Market, economic monthly New Industry (Nowy Przemysł). Portal www.wnp.pl magazine Why Story, monthly Europerspectives (Europerspektywy) as well as magazine and portal of businesswomen Business Woman @Life.
The European Business Club Poland Gala Award Ceremony was held at the Olympic Centre in Warsaw on 28 October, 2017. The ceremony was conducted by journalist Przemysław Tarkowski, the winner of the BENE MERITUS AWARD 2015, Highly Distinguished. The place of the Gala itself caused that the artistic programme performers were talented young people: 14-year- old Oliwia Szydłowska who presented a dancing programme and the Youth Orchestra of the Tadeusz Wrześniak Glassworks.
This year for the first time a live coverage for the Ceremony was run on the social portals of You Tube and Facebook. We invite all the interested persons to see the event.
More information on the European Business Club Poland activity and the European Business Club Poland Gala Award Ceremony can be found on the Association website www.ekb.org.pl. We invite you to visit the website.
We offer warm congratulations to all the Prize-winners.
Due to the action of the European Business Club ‘s member – Grupa Kapitałowa OT Logistics [Capital Group OT Logistics] the river transport of coal is back on the Odra River.
We would like to inform with pleasure that a member of the European Business Club Poland-Grupa Kapitałowa OT Logistics a leading operator of inland sailing in Poland intends to re-open coal transport from Silesian mines to the energy company Kogeneracja Wrocław. This will be the first river transport since few years back of coal on the route Gliwice Port – Wrocław
The River transport of coal is back on the Odra River
Grupa Kapitałowa OT Logistics a leading operator of inland sailing in Poland intends to re-open coal transport from Silesian mines to the energy company Kogeneracja Wrocław. This will be the first river transport since few years back of coal on the route Gliwice Port – Wrocław
The first trial transport to Kogeneracja Wrocław (2 thousand tons of coal) is planned for the mid of July. Barges of OT Logistics will transport coal to Wrocław from the Gliwice Port. The coal will be delivered from the mine of Sośnica by block trains consisting of 40 carriages of special series Fas. Upon the order of OT Logistics Śląskie Centrum Logistyki [Silesian Centre for Logistics] will deal with the reloading from the carriages to the barges. If the voyage will not encounter any obstacles on the river, OT Logistics is planning to transport to Wrocław 20 thousand tons of coal monthly until the end of the year.
J– The renewal of coal transport on the Odra River can be treated as a symbol of the coming changes in the river navigation. We count on the fact that primarily commercial cruises will be present on the Upper Odra. Silesia needs an inland river connection with the rest of the country. Inland navigation is an indispensible element of the developing intermodal transport and should become a strong third branch of transport beside roads and rail – said Andrzej Klimek, Vice President of the Board and Director of the Inland Navigation Division of OT Logistics. We count on the success of the government plans to open the Odra Waterway as well as restoring the function of transport to the biggest Polish rivers which they fulfilled since medieval times and which has died out in the last decades. Water transport is the most environmentally friendly form of transport which will support an increase in the goods exchange in the country as well as it will allow to relieve the road transport. On its part OT Logistics is ready to support Polish logistics by great increase of the volume of goods transported by rivers – added Andrzej Klimek.
Investments planned by the Ministry of Maritime and Inland Navigation stated in “The Guidelines for development plans of inland water routes in Poland for 2016-2020 with the perspective to 2030” aim at inter alia obtaining international navigation class on the Odra waterway as well as its inclusion into the European waterways network. Additionally by accessing the United Nations AGN convention Poland contracted to adjust main waterways to class IV of navigation.
The transport of coal on the route Gliwice Port – Wrocław will be carried out by three sets of barges led by pushers of the Tur type. The barges have a distance to cover of about 200 km via the Silesian Channel and Odra river. The cruise will go through 27 sluices.
Information about OT Logistics
OT Logistics is a Polish company with over 70 years of experience. Together with capital companies creating the Capital Group OT Logistics it is the biggest port operator in Poland and on the southern Baltic region as well as the leader in inland water transport-from Kaliningrad in Russia to ports in Germany and Holland. The Group also includes entities specializing in road and rail transport as well as in shipping and logistics. OT Logistics is also the biggest branch shareholder of the maritime port of Luka Rijeka in Croatia. In 2016 the Group had 712.1 million PLN of consolidated revenue from sales and its net profit amounted to 10 million PLN. OT Logistics shares since 2013 are quoted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
If you would like to obtain more information please contact us.:
Anna Kutrzuba
Director for Corporate Communication of OT Logistics + 48 602 708 237 |
Maciej Szczepaniak
NBS Communications +48 514 985 845 |
A member of the European Business Club Poland – Zbigniew Kłos talks about new challenges in banking technologies.
An interview with Zbigniew Kłosa, President of KŁOS NOWOCZESNE TECHNOLOGIE BANKOWE SP. Z O.O. [Kłos New Banking Technolgies Ltd.] for BS BLOG.
The company KŁOS Nowoczesne Technologie Bankowe – many times distinguished for professionalism, high quality of equipment, electronic and mechanical safety devices operates on the Polish and foreign market continuously since 1964. Awarded inter alia with „Zdobywcy Rynku 2014” [Winners of the Market 2014] in the category „the Best service”; „Rzetelna Firma” [Reliable company]; „Perły Gospodarki Polskiej” [The Pearls of Polish Economy]; „Gepard Biznesu 2016”[Cheetah in Business 2016] as well as with a medal for its devices on the IMP Expo in Poznań, they have just become a member of the European Business Club Poland. Today the President and owner of the company – Zbigniew Kłos talks inter alia about new challenges in cooperative banking.
The company Kłos attracts more and more clients. What makes your success?
Zbigniew Kłos: I think it is definitely our tailor made product offer and surely a good opinion which we have on the market. Our clients are not only banks but also companies and private people, corporation clients and Polish institutions. I would like to state that we are a family company with only Polish capital amounting to 6,600,000.00 PLN, therefore respect for tradition in connection with new solutions is very close to us. Maybe this is why more and more Cooperative banks decide to co-operate with us.
Services that Kłos offers are not only production, sales but also maintenance. One can say that you are available for Clients on every level of their needs.
ZK: This is true. I have to admit that I have a very talented team. It is thanks to our constructors and experts in the area of electronic and mechanical safety devices we can offer not only the making of standard and non-standard orders, but also maintenance in the whole of Poland, 24 hours an day (SLA-4h). What is more important we do not only do maintenance for our devices.
This definitely makes you stand out on the market. Especially that new challenges have turned up for Cooperative banking in the form of cash turnover.
ZK: It is true. We always listen very attentively to our clients this is why one can say that our products are the reflection of their needs. For instance, recently we have expanded our offer inter alia with a new multiface model in the S2 class, new multiface model online in class I, online vault with a touch screen or a line or banknote counter and sorter which fulfill the requirements of the Directive of the President of the Polish National Bank (19/2016).
I have to admit that I am captivated by how your employees speak of you. It is not very often that the boss has so much respect and great liking as you Mr. President!
ZK: I am very flattered. The truth is that I consider this as my biggest success, not the awards or respect in my country or abroad. I come to work with great pleasure and I hope that so do my employees. One can say that our ambiance and values are similar to the ones in Cooperative banks – person is the most important to us.
More about KŁOS Nowoczesne Technologie Bankowe:
• Multifaces
• counter of the volume and value
• coins sorters
• safes, cabinet safes, safety vaults, document cabinets, weapon safes, transfer wardrobe
• Electronic and mechanical Weight vaults
• cash dispensers (ATM)
• electronic, vault and order locks,
• mechanical and electronic locks DORMAKABA AG in the A, B, C i D class
• Protection door including fireproof and bulletproof
•Central management system for multifaces
• Frontier System (comprehensive solutions for closing and opening of premises together with full monitoring of incidents as well as remote management of access authorities)
• as well as other non-standard orders
24h/7, in the whole of Poland, for devices of most producers on the market. It covers:
- emergency opening of safes, tills, vaults and safe deposit boxes, etc.
• comprehensive maintenance of devices and periodic maintenance
• maintenance of lock and security vault systems
•maintenance of devices for cash processing
• re-makes of locks, key cutting, etc.
• changes in the arrangement of combination and electronic locks
• current repairs and combating any emergencies
• activating vault lock and safety devices
• repairs and reactivation of safe deposit boxes control system
• maintenance and modernization of key policy in bank premises (Axessor system)
•Trainings on handling the devices; any consultancy in the above mentioned areas as well as other non-standard services
We are distinguished by:
- Qualified experts in the area of electronic and mechanical devices
• Maintenance of devices (not only the company’s) in the whole of Poland with 40 highly specialized technicians employed full-time on work agreement as well as emergency Network of authorized subcontractors. - SLA – reaction time amounts to 4 hours
• Proclient strategy wchich enables the realization of non-standard orders - agreements in the form of monthly subscription
We welcome you to co-operate with us!
+48 (22) 722 86 90; www.klos.com.pl; bank@klos.com.pl; ; serwis@klos.com.pl;
President of the EBC Poland is the member of the Honorary Committee of the Scientific Conference in the University of Euroregional Economy.
On the 24th of May 2017 at the Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy a scientific conference “Management in XXI century. Human resources in the future organization” took place. In the Honorary Committee chaired by prof. Halina Czubasiewicz from the University of Gdańsk Mr. Janusz Cieślak – the President of the European Business Club Poland took part.
Management is a faculty which imposes responsibility and requires creation as well as promotion of a person in the organisation as the top value. Dynamic changes which occur in Poland as well as in the world exert constant development which cannot be based on patterns. The aim of the Conference was a trial to answer the questions: what should be taught in the field of management?, what would the organizations of the future look like?, what employees will intelligent organizations need? and to diagnose mutual relations in developing structures in organizations of the future.
The programme of the Conference consisted of two panels:
- Corporate Social Responsibility. Managing an organization. The nature of Communications in organisations.
- The meaning of innovation of enterprises. Human Resources Management. The role of negotiations on the competitive market.
The President of the EBC Poland-Janusz Cieślak took part in both of the panels sharing both his knowledge and experience.
The Congress „Polska Wielski Projekt” [Poland a Great Project”].
From the 18th to the 21st of May 2017 an annual congress „Polska Wielki Projekt” was held. The congress is a civic event where both experts and bodies of opinion meet. It is being held since 2011 and every time it gathers excellent thinkers, important participants of the public life as well as many participants who part take in the debates. The aim of the Congress is the discuss strategic development challenges which are ahead of Poland and Europe.
The President of the European Business Club-Janusz Cieślak was this year’s participant.
He was particularly interested in the panels concerning economic issues and the role and position od Poland in the European Union.
Mateusz Morawiecki-Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Finance gave and interesting introduction to the economic panel covering four themes:
- Where does economic freedom end – international challenge of lighting with tax optimalisation
- Poland in the global economy based on data
- The building of Polish capital as the basis of Polish freedom
- New Bretton Woods. Is a new social global contract needed?
This year’s Congress „Polska Wielki Projekt” confirmed that it is an important event enabling the discussion on challenges ahead of our country ca ring about mutual good and interests.
Poland and Singapore Economic Forum.
On the 22nd of May 2017 a Poland Singapore Economic Forum was held with the participation of the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda and the President of Singapore Tony Tan. An occasion to organise this Forum was the first visit in history of the President of Singapore – Tony Tan in Poland. He was accompanied by a delegation of entrepreneurs from Singapore. Polish entrepreneurs who were interested in co-operating with Singapore also had a chance to meet the participants of the delegation from Singapore B2B. The organizers of the Forum were: Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu SA [Polish Investemnt and Trade Agency] and Singapore Business Federation. The participants of the Forum form the European Business Club Poland were Janusz Cieślak-the President of EBC Poland and members, entrepreneurs – Anna Kosik (K@K Nieruchomości) [K@K Property] and Tadeusz Kurek (NTT SYSTEM).
Singapore is a country of the highest population density in the world. However when looking at its economic development and wealth of its inhabitants only Japan is better. Over two third of Singapore’s national income derives from the service industry. This small country is also an example of success of a multiethnic, multilingual and multicultural society.
Representatives of the EBC Poland at the opening ceremony of the China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. Branch in Poland.
On the 22 nd of May 2017 the represenbtaives of the European Business Club Poland: Janusz Cieślak – the President, Krzysztof Walendziewski – member of the management Board and Łukasz Grzelec – acting as the Director of the Press Office took part in the inauguration of the beginning of operating of the China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. Branch in Poland. The event took place in the Ballroom of Hotel Sofitel Victoria.
China Construction Bank Corporation with head office in Beijing had been established in 1954 (formerly known as China Construction Bank) is a leading, big commercial bank in the People’s Republic of China. By the end of 2016 the capitalization of the Bank amounted to 192.626 million USD. This allowed for a fifth place among banks listed on the stock exchange. The Bank has 14,985 branches and departments in continental China and and supports branches and departments of the commercial bank in 29 countries and regions with 251 foreign institutions at all levels.
China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. Branch in Poland is the first branch of China Construction Bank in Central and Eastern Europe. The decision to open the branch of the Bank in Poland was lead by a constant development of economic and trade co-operation between China and Central and Eastern Europe. The Branch will fully contribute to the brand, resources and global communication network ensuring the clients from China, Poland and Central and Eastern Europe high quality of financial services.

Orchestra of the Tadeusz Wrześniak Glassworks Industry was the participant of the European Picnic in the Royal Lazienki in Warsaw
It is our pleasure to inform that the Orchestra of the Tadeusz Wrześniak Glassworks Industry preformed during the European Picnic in the Royal Łazienki in Warsaw on the 1st of May 2017 marking the 13th anniversary of Poland’s accession to the European Union. European Business Club Poland was a partner of the Picnic. We would like to remind you that Taduesz Wrześniak is the prizewinner of the EVC Poland Award Entrepreneur Magnus – Outstanding Enterpreneur 2016.
A high artistic standard, a good repertoire, an easiness in connecting with the audience were met with a warm welcome of about two thousand people in the Amfitheater of Royal Łazienki. Alicja Urbanowicz is the conductor and managers of the Orchestra. The average age of members of the Orchestra is 13 years and the youngest artist who plays the drums and trumpet is 6 years old.