On December 10, 2013, the second general meeting of the members of the European Business Club Poland took place. The venue of the meeting was the Hotel “Black Cat – My Warsaw Residence” in Warsaw.
The issues addressed at the general meeting covered the period from the date of the association’s registration, i.e. from May 1st, 2012 until December 31st, 2012. In accordance with the Statute, the meeting was held on the first appointment date. After the formal statutory actions, President Janusz Cieślak solemnly handed out legitimations to the new members of the association.
Then, according to the adopted agenda, the association presented:
1. the report on the association’s activities in conjunction with a report on the board’s activities by the President Mr. Janusz Cieślak,
2. the financial statements in conjunction with the report on the audit committee’s activities by the comimittee’s Chairperson Ms. Anna Kosik.
In its report the audit committee highly appreciated the work of the board and emphasized the special role of the association’s President Mr. Janusz Cieślak for the achieved success. The assessment presented by the committee’s chairperson Ms. Anna Kosik was given unequivocal support by the participants of the meeting.
During the second general meeting, the members unanimously – in form of resolutions – approved the submitted report giving a vote of approval to both – the board and the audit committee. Furthermore, the board’s presented amendments to the Statue, involving the widening of the association’s activities, were accepted in form of a resolution.