Christmas and New Year’s Eve meeting.

Spotkanie Świąteczno-Noworoczne w EKB Polska

On December 10, 2013, the management board of the European Business Club Poland, organized a club meeting at the hospitable hotel and restaurant “Black Cat – My Warsaw Residence”, to celebrate the upcoming Christmas and New Year’s Eve. The meeting was an opportunity to exchange views on the past year and the upcoming days of celebration and reflection.

During his speech, President Janusz Cieslak, thanked all the present guests for the excellent cooperation in the past year and wished them and their families the best for Christmas and the approaching year.

Spotkanie Świąteczno-Noworoczne w EKB Polska

Then it was time for individual wishes and the sharing of the wafer. Mrs. Elizabeth Studzińska, who suggested a great menu based on traditional Polish dishes and homemade holiday pastries for this occasion, watched over everything as usual. The members of the European Business Club Poland had the opportunity to enjoy the moments with their friends and colleagues in elegant surroundings and familial atmosphere. The sounds of Polish Christmas carols, the glow of Christmas trees and the great interior decorations put all guests in a festive mood to welcome the new year of 2014.