Our guest was accompanied by: Trade Councellor of the Embassy Mr Michaił Trotsinski and Secretary of the Embassy Mr Jurij Kułabuhow
The topic of the meeting was economic co-operation between our country and Belarus as well as possibilities of conducting business and investing in that country.
The presentation was given by The Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus who shed more light on his country to the participants of the meeting. In 2012 the economy in Belarus noted a 5,7% increase in industry production in comparison to 2011, agricultural production by 6.1% and increase in export by 14%. Among the most important countries – investors in Belarus Poland is on the 11th place. In 2012 Polish investments were at the level of 128 million USD/ in 2011 – 84,5 million USD. In Belarus there are currently 550 companies with Polish capital.
During a lively discussion and due to the asked questions Mr Ambassador indicated why it is worthwhile to conduct economic activity in Belarus. First of all due to the closeness and availability of transport, stability and low level of crime and corruption, state guarantees and reliefs, cheap and qualified labour force as well as developed and well maintained infrastructure.
A great benefit for Belarus is the concluded Customs Union with Russia and Kazakhstan as well as the Common Economic Space established on 01.01.2012 which allows for a free flow of products and capital, mobility of labour force, unification of technological regulations and certifications, standardization of macroeconomic policy and unified rules of industry and agriculture subsidy.
A big incentive for small companies (up to 100 people) is a 5% income tax or 3% of VAT. Agricultural producers pay 1% of tax from their general income and 0% of VAT. In free economic zones the income tax amounts to 0% for 5 years and 10% of VAT. In hi-tech parks the income tax and VAT are null for 15 years. An interesting and content-related meeting ended with long informal talks on the subjects mentioned at the meeting.
A thank you letter from the Ambassador of the republic of Bela rus to Poland
Dear Mr President,
Please accept my sincere gratitude for inviting me, giving me the opportunity to participate and give a presentation at the meeting with businessmen – members of the Association „European Business Club Poland” which took place in Warsaw on the 26th of February 2013.
I wish to truly thank you for the friendly atmosphere during the meeting, hospitality, great organization and content-related preparation of this undertaking.
I hope that the demonstrated positive attitude of the management and members of the “European Business Club” shown towards development of co-operation with Belarus will result in the realization of mutually favourable projects in Belarus.
I wish You and all members of the association further success in professional and personal matters, all the best, good health as well as I hope to remain in touch.
Yours sincerely