Professor Witold Modzelewski was the guest of the EBC Poland.

On the 2nd of March 2017 upon the invitation of the President-Janusz Cieślak Professor Witold Modzelewski – President of the Tax Studies Institute was a guest of the European Business Club Poland. The theme of the meeting was the tax policy towards entrepreneurs in the context of the Constitution for Business.

When introducing the guest the President of the EBC Poland emphasized that Professor Modzelwski is a distinguished expert in the area of taxation and is the author of over 1000 publications in that area. As a lawyer he links theoretical knowledge with experience.

When speaking professor Witold Modzelewski warned against too much belief in digitalization which according to him is not a “wonderful cure” to solve all economic problems or those connected with the inappropriate functioning of the tax system. He emphasized that the government of every country should primarily act in favour of public good. He stated that currently the biggest problem of the developed countries is the procedure of VAT extortion as well as avoidance of paying due taxes by dishonest entrepreneurs. Statistically even 1/5 of invoices in the European Union are false which best shows the importance of the problem with which we have to deal. It creates a very uncomfortable situation in which beside the economic entities operating according to law and creating economic growth also operate other entities which do not produce anything, do not render any services and their only aim is to cause great loses to the State Treasury. The duty of the state apparatus is the ability to detect such damaging economic entities and their neutralization.

Professor W. Modzelewski has also drawn the attention to a very dangerous phenomenon which is the creation of bills or regulations that create a fake need for solutions or services rendered by a small group of entrepreneurs. It creates a very dangerous and damaging precedent in which certain entrepreneurs have to adjust to the market but others upon the implemented bills adjust it to their own needs. Such actions have nothing to do with rules of the free market but on the contrary they are their total negation.

At the end Professor W. Modzelewski answered the questions asked by the participating entrepreneurs at the meeting.

According to the tradition the meeting took place in the conference room of the Hotel – Restauracja Czarny Kot – My Warsaw Residence.