On 22–23 September 2022, the 7th “Leader by Vocation” Conference, organised by Why Story magazine, took place at the Hotel Zamek in Janów Podlaski. The meeting was attended by Adam Abramowicz, Ombudsman for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Janusz Cieślak, President of the European Business Club Poland, entrepreneurs, local government officials such as Sabina Nowosielska, President of Kędzierzyn-Koźle, diplomats including Nur Atikah Anuar, First Secretary of the Malaysian Embassy, and many artists. Present at the conference were also members of the European Business Club Poland: Wojciech Misiowiec, the member of the Audit Committee, Dawid Domaracki, Director of the Regional Branch of the EBC Poland in the Silesian Voivodeship, and Bożena Banasik–Cieślak. President Janusz Cieślak welcomed the guests on behalf of the organisers and took part in a panel discussion on business management, Business Speed Dating as well as other planned events. At the request of Beata Sekuła, Editor-in-Chief of Why Story magazine, the President of EBC summarised the proceedings of the 7th Conference.

The first day of the Conference, in addition to two panel discussions, the award ceremony and the artistic part, included also a visit to the Bakalland Factory.
The first panel was focused on leaders in the areas of: mental and physical health, sport, culture, art, society, local government, education in Poland and abroad.
The second panel was dedicated to the management of family and international businesses in the areas of: innovation, technology, ecology, employee competence development, social responsibility, succession, and socially responsible leaders of the future.

The event was topped off by Karo Glazer’s concert – a singer with a four-octave voice scale, Roberto Jachini, a singer from the Royal Opera House in Stockholm, guitarist Andrzej Domżoł and 17-year-old talented composer Hania Derej.
The second day of the Conference included Business Speed Dating – individual business meetings of Conference members on cooperation, and a visit to the stud in Janów Podlaski.