On May 25, 2021 at the University of Euroregional Economy named after Alcide De Gasperi held the International Scientific Conference entitled “Contemporary concepts and methods of managing organizations and administrative units – a vision of the future”. The meeting was held in the hybrid mode.
The aim of the conference was to develop solutions in the field of management in the conditions of disturbed activity, internal imbalances, threats to the achievement of goals, reduction of employment. The conference was also supposed to draw attention to new denominations facing organizations and public administration units after the crisis.

The European Business Club Poland was represented by the President, Mr. Janusz Cieślak, who sat on the Honorary Committee of the conference and took part in the “CRS and intercultural communication” Panel. The occasional speech during the opening of the conference was delivered by Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Mączyńska, President of the Polish Economic Society and President of the Award Committee of EKB Poland. The plenary session was attended by Prof. dr hab. Joanna Paliszkiewicz from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, member of the Management Board of EKB Polska, who took up the topic “Innovative enterprises: leadership, trust and knowledge management”.