Community of Lesznowola in terms of administration is a rural community located in the central part of the province of Mazovia , in the northern part of the Piaseczno starosty . The commune consists of 22 villages . Lesznowola area bordering the community of Tarczyn , Piaseczno , Raszyn , Blomberg and the City of Warsaw . The distance from the city center ranges from about 10 to about 25 km .
Built-up areas in Lesznowola cover about 13.7% cover about 13.7%. For reasons of the socio – economic and spatial – communication (relationship functional – spatial the metropolis of Warsaw) area built-up areas steadily increased. Community is characterized by a low level of forest cover (forest areas are here 12.2%) compared with mazowieckie voivodeship (21.8%). Cultivated land is 67.7% of the area of land, of which 97% is agricultural land, and other areas, which is 3% are orchards and meadows. Waste land and other land represent approximately 6.4% of the commune.
Lesznowola is a modern ecological community, guided by the principles of sustainable development, a national leader in the formation of civil society, building its success on the basis of geographical advantages, a very good state of infrastructure, high levels of business development.
Lesznowola is one of the few communities in the country, where there was an increase entrepreneurship and quantitative development of small and medium companies. The beginning of the investment boom was the rise in 1992 Jabłonowo brewery. The measure and symbol of economic development is the largest in Central – Eastern Europe trading center of China and Asia in Wólka Kosowska. Currently, the largest investment being made in Lesznowola is innovative Centre for Education and Sport which arises in the most urbanized part of the commune – Mysiadło
In the period from 2006 to the first half of 2010, despite the economic slowdown in Poland and in the world, the number of firms in the economy Community of Lesznowola increased by 1,675 companies, ie by 59.8%. During the same period, the number of companies in the country increased by 2.9%. In the first half of 2010. arrived in Lesznowola 487 companies such as increase of 12.2%. In the crisis of 2009. 377 formed companies ie an increase of 10.4%, where in the same period, the number of companies in the country decreased by 0.4%.
Community of Lesznowola is the winner tens of awards and honors. Assessment of local government carried out by independent, external experts for the municipality extremely important and valuable. In 2012, the Community received, among others, the following awards:
- In April 2012. – Title European of the Year 2011 in the category ” host municipality, city, region the title given to the Mayor of the Community Maria Jolanta Batycka – Wasik .
- Distinction in the rank of the Year 2011 Local Government Menager in Mazowieckie for the Mayor Maria Jolanta Batycka – Wasik .
- The ” Green Laurel ” award for Lesznowola for effective environmental projects and the promotion of sustainable development .
- In May, 2012. – I for Lesznowola Municipality in the prestigious ranking Attractive Places for Business Forbes financial magazine in the category of up to 50 thousand residents.
- European Certificate ” Reliable in Business” for the strengthening of ethical action in the areas of business , government and health care (the only government in Poland).
- In September, 2012. Office Lesznowola Municipality was awarded the Gold Emblem in the ” Highest Quality QI 2012 ” – the highest level of management .
- In October 2012. Lesznowola Municipality received the right to use the trademark prestigious “NOW POLAND ” – Gold medal for Lesznowola , in its 20th anniversary, “Poland Now” , Board of Directors decided to honor a special medal personalities , companies and institutions – including Lesznowola , actively supporting the development of Polish Promotion Program .
- In November 2012. three main prizes of the contest Fair Play for Lesznowola Municipality . The Jury awarded Lesznowola certificate “Fair Play ”, a special prize – Diamond Oscar , and Maria Jolanta Batycka – Wąsik – the Mayor of Lesznowola title ” Municipal Menager Year 2012 ”.
- Also in November Community of Lesznowola received three more awards: Mazovian Community of the Year and Business Friendly Local Government – Lesznowola successfully completed this year’s winning first place in the category of rural communities. The jury also awarded individual awards – Best Chief of the Year in 2012 for Mayor of Lesznowola.
- Lesznowola Municipality received the certificate ” Municipal Leader of Education ” and as one of the 16 local governments in Poland – a special prize – a statuette Primus 2012 .
- November 22 Lesznowola Municipality received an award for his contribution to the protection of local government finances ” taking care of the finance community residents in 2012 ”.
- Biweekly Construction “Profiles ” distinguished Municipality Lesznowola Investment Activity Leader Certificate .
- Lesznowola Municipality received the award and the title of the ” Government of Equal Opportunities 2012 ” for activities for people with disabilities .
- In December Lesznowola Municipality has been recognized as the most innovative in the rural commune and received the title of ” Leader of Innovation and Regional Development 2012 ”.
- Lesznowola Municipality also received an award granted by the Polish Sports Infrastructure Club – “Sports City 2012 ”.
- December – certified “Community Friendly Locals ” awarded by the Institute . Adam Smith, a prestigious award ceremony in January 2013.
Lesznowola community is interested in developing a domestic and international contacts both with businesses and other municipalities or local government units .
Municipal Office invites domestic and foreign companies to participate in tenders for attractive , situated in the commune land .
More information about Lesznowola Municipality website
Other information Address :
Municipal Office Lesznowola
ul. National Council of the District 60
05-506 Lesznowola
tel : 22 757 93 40 42 22 708 93 40 22 708 93 93; HEADQUARTERS ext. 111;
Fax : (22) 757-92-70
E- mail: ,
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