Andrzej Strejlau


„for exceptional achievements as a coach and for many years of work towards the development of Polish football”


Former coach of the Polish football representation Andrzej Strejlau is one of the most respected trainers and experts in football, an undisputed authority among trainers. He was always guided by thoroughness, transparency and honesty in sports. He had many functions in the Polish Football Association (PZPN), inter alia, the President of the Panel of Judges, the manager of the department of training and the spokesperson. He was also the President of the Association of Football Trainers and an honorary member of the Polish Football Association. He worked at foreign clubs as a trainer in Iceland (Fram Reykjavik), Greece (AE Larisa) and in China (Shanghai Shenhua). A graduate of the University of Physical Education in Warsaw, in his youth he trained football and handball in Warsaw clubs. He is a great football devotee, for years a respected sports commentator and expert in many TV stations, author of popular science publications connected with physical fitness and football, co-author of the publication on the unification of football training methods and EU publications on corruption in sport, and lecturer at courses and conferences in Poland (training conferences), in Europe (UEFA tournament), in Uruguay (lectures at a trainer school), in China (lectures in Shanghai and Kuming).

Certyfikaty Nagród EKB Polska 2015 004