
Henryk Sobierajski is the Director of Information and Journalistic Section of Polsat TV. He created the news channel Polsat News from scratch. The mission of this channel is not only just to report current developments in Poland and abroad, but also to address issues which hinder the Polish entrepreneurs’ businesses. He attempts to find practical and legal solutions in broadcast programmes. In particular, the following programmes should be mentioned:

  • “Biznes Informacje” is the informative and journalistic programme about economy presenting current developments in Poland and throughout the world, broadcast since 2012;
  • “Nie daj się fiskusowi” – the author’s programme of the host of today’s Gala, TV presenter Przemysław Talkowski, has been broadcasted for 8 years. The programme is aimed at educating citizens in economy.

“Państwo w Państwie” of which Mr Henryk Sobierajski is the co-author and which is particularly highly valued by businessmen, had its premiere 5 years ago on Polsat News. This programme is the only one in Poland which stigmatizes any law abuse cases, nepotism in relations state-entrepreneur and state-citizen, reveals pathologies, shows dishonest officials and seeks justice for victims. It presents stories of people who for years have been wrestling with clerical improprieties: lawlessness, incompetence, abuses and pathologies which result in bankruptcies, personal human tragedies, job losses or exclusion.

Thanks to the managerial skills of Henryk Sobierajski, the news channel was created and it has an increasingly high viewer rating in its category.
Henryk Sobierajski is a grandchild of Major Henryk Dobrzański known as “Hubal”.

The author of books: Niespokojna dusza (Łódź 1990), Szlakiem mjr. Henryka Dobrzańskiego (Warszawa 1990), Hubal (Warszawa 1997, 2005), Chwalcie Boga w Waszym ciele. Jan Paweł II o sporcie (Warszawa 2001), “Hubal” major Henryk Dobrzański 1897-1940 (Warszawa 2012).

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