„Państwo w Państwie” is a television program, that reveals the abuse of law, corruption and nepotism between the state and the businessperson. The screenplay of each episode revolves around a particularly bright event of lawless officials, the inertia at work of the Polish judicature. This often results in the company’s and the businessperson’s bankruptcy and the loss of jobs by the employees. A two-hour long and very interesting meeting, filled with interesting examples of problems faced by Polish businesspeople, judicature and descriptions of the bureaucratic incompetence. During the discussion, members of the Club offered numerous examples that could be topics of future programs. Thanking Mr. Talkowski for the truth about the absurdities of economic life and frequent violations of the business peoples’ rights, the European Business Club Poland> expresses its deepest appreciation that people finally began to talk about these issues – professionally and honestly.
- Czeslaw Lang – member of the awards chapter of the European Business Club Poland – Polish Sports Ambassador!
- The IPO of the European Business Club Poland members company – MEGA SONIC.